What construct is best for thoracolumbar fractures?

Usually, spinal fusion is performed as an operative treatment and in this procedure, the posterior approach is preferred than the anterior approach because most of the compression fractures do not have an involvement of the spinal canal.

What is a TLSO brace compression fracture?

TLSO (Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Orthosis) It is also commonly known as a Turtle Brace A TLSO extends from just below the collar bones down to the pelvis. It is used to stabilize the spine after surgery or in the event of a spinal fracture to promote healing and decrease pain.

How long does it take for a burst fracture to heal?

Healing can take 6–12 weeks. Usually, the person will also need to follow an individualized exercise program designed to help them build up their activity and motion slowly. The person may need surgery if the break is severe or if it has damaged the nerves.

What is the symptoms of thoracolumbar spine?

Numbness, Tingling, and/or Weakness If any injury in the mid-back area causes a thoracic nerve to become pinched, a person could experience numbness, tingling, or in severe cases, weakness, in any of the above-mentioned regions of the body.

Where is the thoracolumbar spine?

Thoracolumbar spine is the transitional zone between the stiff thoracic cage and the mobile lumbar spine. Therefore, it is a vulnerable region for injury, including fracture and dislocation.

How long should you wear TLSO brace?

Following spinal surgery or injury to your back, you will need to wear a TLSO (Thoraco – Lumbo – Sacral – Orthosis). This orthosis (brace) is used to restrict movement of the mid and lower spine while it heals. Your surgeon will decide how long you are required to wear the TLSO, usually 10 to 12 weeks.

Can you walk with a fractured lower back?

Depending on how severe your injury is, you may experience pain, difficulty walking, or be unable to move your arms or legs (paralysis). Many fractures heal with conservative treatment; however severe fractures may require surgery to realign the bones.