What does it mean for funds to be appropriated?

Appropriation is when money is set aside money for a specific and particular purpose or purposes. A company or a government appropriates funds in order to delegate cash for the necessities of its business operations. Appropriations for the U.S. federal government are decided by Congress through various committees.

What are the types of appropriation?


  • Standard Appropriation.
  • Continuing Appropriation.
  • Continuous Appropriation.
  • Reappropriation.
  • Reverted Appropriation.
  • Carryover Appropriations.
  • Appropriations not in Budget Act or Executive Orders.
  • Other Appropriation Related Processes.

What is an appropriated budget?

A budgetary appropriation is an authorization granted by the legislature to make expenditures and incur obligations for specific purposes. A legislative appropriation is usually limited in the amount and time during which it may be expended.

What are appropriated funds used for?

As a rule, appropriated funds may only be used for authorized purposes; therefore, appropriated funds may be used to purchase trinkets only if there is specific statutory authority to do so or if it is a necessary expense of the agency.

What is an example of appropriation?

An example of an appropriation is a certain amount of profits that a company may decide to make available for a capital expenditure, such as a new building. An example of an appropriation is when the United States Congress makes money available from the budget for military operations.

What is the difference between appropriated and nonappropriated funds?

A non-appropriated fund is controlled by statute or other law rather than by the Legislature through the general or special appropriation process. A non-appropriated fund is controlled by the amount of cash that is in the fund and has continuous spending authority in that it does not require further legislative action.

What are the two categories of content appropriation?

The focus of the book is on the two main ways in which artists can appropriate culture—tangible (object) appropriation and intangible content and subject appropriation (stories, styles, motifs, design; subject matter).

What is the difference between budget and appropriation?

The Budget of the United States is the President’s proposed spending levels for the next fiscal year. Appropriation Bills are Congress’ response to the President’s proposal.

What is the difference between appropriated funds and non appropriated funds?

What does appropriation mean in law?

“Appropriation” is defined in the Theft Act 1968 as the assumption of the rights of the owner of the property and includes any act showing that one is treating the property as one’s own, which need not necessarily involve taking it away.

What is appropriation how does it work?

In terms of art, appropriation is the practice of using pre-existing objects and images in an artwork without really altering the originals.

What can non appropriated funds be used for?

NAFs are entitled to the same protection as funds appropriated by the Congress of the U.S. and are used for the collective benefit of military personnel, their family members, and authorized civilians. These funds are separate from funds that are recorded in the books of the Department of the Treasury. 010214.