What is the mirror in Harry Potter called?
What is the mirror in Harry Potter called?
The Mirror of Erised
The Mirror of Erised is one of those magical artefacts that seems to have been created in a spirit of fun (whether innocent or malevolent is a matter of opinion), because while it is much more revealing than a normal mirror, it is interesting rather than useful.
What did Harry Potter see in the mirror?
In the mirror, Harry encounters the Potter family for the first time in his life. Most prominently he sees his mother and father smiling down at him and it is this that is ‘nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire’ of young Harry’s heart.
What does the mirror symbolize in Harry Potter?
The Mirror of Erised, which Harry encounters on accident one night, hidden in a random room, symbolizes how intense, emotionally charged desires can be dangerous. “Erised” is “desire” spelled backwards, and the Mirror fittingly shows the person peering in it the deepest desire of his or her hearts.
What does it say above the mirror in Harry Potter?
The mirror has a strange inscription on it “Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi” (Rowling, 1997, p. 118), which when mirrored says, I show not your face but your hearts desire.
What did Ron see in the mirror?
Ron Weasley Ron was shocked to see himself as Quidditch Captain, Head Boy (a seventh-year student who had authority over Prefects and a role that his brothers Bill and Percy had), and standing apart from his brothers as he was better than all of them.
What would Dumbledore see in the mirror?
During a 2007 web chat on Bloomsbury.com, Rowling revealed that what he really saw when he looked in the Mirror in Sorcerer’s Stone was something very similar to Harry’s own vision. “He saw his family alive, whole and happy,” she explained.
What did Hermione see in the mirror?
According to her, and going back to 1997, Hermione would have seen Voldemort defeated and dead (just like Harry did), herself and her friends alive and well, and herself in a romantic embrace with Ron. Luckily for her, all those desires came true.
What would Hermione see in the mirror?
What would Hermione see in the Mirror of Erised?
According to her, and going back to 1997, Hermione would have seen Voldemort defeated and dead (just like Harry did), herself and her friends alive and well, and herself in a romantic embrace with Ron.
What did Ginny see in the Mirror of Erised?
First for Ginny, here she is looking at her reflection: she sees an older version of herself, maybe 14 or 15 years old, dating Harry. Ginny from an early age showed love interest in Harry, and that’s why her deepest desire would be him noticing and falling in love with her as well.