What is the purpose of the Prestained standards?

Brighter for easier identification of target protein. Sharper for more accurate molecular weight estimation. Stronger band intensity throughout blot development.

What is a protein standard ladder?

Protein molecular weight markers, sometimes referred to as protein standards or protein ladders, are used to estimate the molecular weight of proteins of interest and to monitor the progress of electrophoretic separation or transfer in Western blotting.

What is the function of the kaleidoscope proteins in well 1 of the agarose gel?

They serve as a good reference to locate actin and myosin proteins in the samples and act as a positive control for gel analysis. The proteins in the Precision Plus Protein Kaleidoscope prestained standard have known molecular weights.

What is the purpose of the Precision Plus protein Kaleidoscope standard?

The Precision Plus Protein Kaleidoscope standards provide a broad range recombinant ladder with multiple colors that allow for easy band referencing and blot orientation. Instructions for Use Precision Plus Protein Kaleidoscope standards are provided in loading buffer, ready to load, with no dilution required.

How does a protein ladder work?

They are also known as protein markers, protein standards, or protein molecular weight markers. Protein ladders contain a mixture of highly purified proteins of defined or known molecular weights. They act as a point of reference for proteins during electrophoretic transfers in western blots.

How do I choose a protein ladder?

How to choose the right protein ladder. – calculate the approximate size of your protein by overlaying an image of the membrane with the ladder with the image generated by antibody staining. Using an unstained protein ladder is very useful when you need to accurately calculate the size of your protein.

What is the purpose of the kaleidoscope protein standard?

What is Kaleidoscope protein standard?

Precision Plus Protein Kaleidoscope Standards are a mixture of ten multicolored recombinant proteins (10–250 kD). These standards can be detected by fluorescence when excited at appropriate wavelengths.

What is the purpose of the actin & myosin standards and the Precision Plus protein Kaleidoscope prestained standard?

What is the purpose of the actin and myosin standards and the Precision Plus Protein Kaleidoscope prestained standard? Actin and myosin standards allow comparison of the major conserved muscle proteins. The precision plus protein kaleidoscope pre stained standard allow visibility while the protein has moved.