What does ratting someone mean?

/ræt/ to not be loyal to someone, especially by giving away secret information about them, or to fail to do something that you said you would do: He ratted on us.

Is it okay to rat someone out?

rat (one) out To inform an authority figure of one’s bad or illegal behavior. I can’t believe you ratted me out like that to Mom and Dad—I’m never telling you anything ever again!

What’s another word for ratting someone out?

What is another word for ratting someone out?

sneaking informing
giving away tattling
ratting out grassing up
blabbing dobbing in
denouncing jobbing

What does ratted mean slang?

Slang To reveal incriminating or embarrassing information about someone, especially to a person in authority: ratted on his best friend to the police.

What does ratting us out mean?

(informal, disapproving) ​to tell somebody in authority about something wrong that somebody else has done. Someone ratted us out to the police. The college was ratting out students for music piracy.

What is the purpose of ratting?

Ratting is the legal use of dogs for pest control of non-captured rats in an unconfined space, such as a barn or field. Due to rat infestations, terriers are now being used for ratting to hunt and kill rats in major cities around the world, including the United Kingdom, the United States and Vietnam.

Should I rat out a coworker?

Ratting out a coworker could potentially save your company from losing money and may even get you promoted—but, it could also cost you your job. Make no mistake, there is always the possibility you could become a target for retaliation if you complain to your superiors about a coworker.

What does to rat on someone mean?

rat on somebody to tell someone in authority about something wrong that someone else has done Where I come from, you don’t rat on your friends. Someone ratted us out to the police.

What does to rat someone out mean?

rat somebody out (to somebody) (especially North American English) (also rat on somebody British and North American English) (informal, disapproving) ​to tell somebody in authority about something wrong that somebody else has done. Someone ratted us out to the police.

What does snitch on someone mean?

Snitch can refer to an informant who reports a crime or a tattletale who tells on someone, especially to their parents or to a teacher. It can also be used as a verb meaning to inform on or tattle on someone.