What is the story of Atalanta all about?

Atalanta was a skilled human huntress in Greek mythology. She was a devoted follower of Artemis, goddess of the hunt, and swore an oath of virginity to show her devotion. Left in the forest to die by her father, Atalanta was saved by a bear and raised by hunters.

Who is Meleager and Atalanta?

Meleager was the son of Oeneus, the king of Calydon. One day the goddess Artemis, enraged by Oeneus’s failure to honor her appropriately, sent a wild boar to ravage Calydon’s fields. Meleager organized a hunting party to kill the animal. Atalanta, the daughter of the king of Arcadia, was the only woman in the group.

What did Atalanta declare about marriage?

Having been warned against marriage by an oracle, Atalanta devised a plan whereby she could avoid it: she agreed to marry anyone who could beat her in a foot race, but suitors who lost would be killed. This did not discourage them, however.

How did Hippomenes beat Atalanta?

Aphrodite gave Hippomenes three golden apples to throw in front of Atalanta every time she moved ahead of him in the race. She could not resist the apples and stopped to pick them up letting Hippomenes move ahead and eventually win the race and winning Atalanta’s hand in marriage.

Who does Meleager tell his story?

Hercules was on his final labour to capture the three-headed dog Kerberos who guarded the gates of Hell. The spirit of Meleager whispered to Hercules to carry a message of love to his sister Deianeira in the world of the living and he recommended his sister for the hero’s wife.

Who killed Meleager?

In one final version, Althaea had nothing to do with Meleager’s death at all. Instead, Meleager was killed by Apollo, who was fighting on the side of the Curetes during their battle against the Aetolians.

What happens when Meleager wishes to award Atalanta the pelt of the boar?

The beast is slain, but when Meleager awards the boar’s hide to the huntress, Atalanta, who drew first blood, trouble erupts in the party. Meleager’s uncles try to take the hide from Atalanta, but Meleager kills them.