How do I create a new article in Joomla?

Click the Contents → Articles → Add New Article menu item or, Click the Contents → Articles menu item to open the Articles Page. Then click the New toolbar button or, Create a new Single Article type menu item, and click the Create button under Select Article (only in Version 3.7 and higher).

What is an article explain how do you create an article in Joomla?

an Article is a piece of content consisting of text (HTML), possibly with links to other resources (for example, images). Articles are the basic units of information in the content system and the bottom level in the content hierarchy. Since Joomla! , each Article is in exactly one Category.

How many ways can you create an article from the Joomla article manager page?

There are three ways common ways to present Joomla articles: Option 1: Display the article in the Single Article format. Option 2: Display article in the Category Blog format. Option 3: Display a single article in a Custom module.

What is the default value of created by in Joomla articles?

For example, to show the ‘Create Date’ for an article in your Articles menu items, then set that option to “Show” here and it will be the default value.

How do I publish my Joomla website?

How to Publish Articles in Joomla

  1. Edit the following options: Editor – This tab allows you to enter a title of the new article as well as it’s body or content.
  2. Select the Publishing tab and set the status of the article to Published.
  3. Click on the Save button at the top to keep the changes.

Can you run Joomla with php7?

Some older versions of Joomla (before Joomla 3.5) do not support PHP 7. However, newer versions of Joomla has built-in compatibility with PHP 7. So in order to utilize it, first update to Joomla 3.9.

What is featured article in Joomla?

Featured Article is a component that generates intro text of selected Joomla! content items (articles) in a desired layout.

How do I change the content of a page in Joomla?

Step 1: Navigate to the Articles Manager. Step 2: Click on the title of the page that you want to modify. Step 3: Make the desired changes using the Editor. You can add text and images to your page.

What happens when one chooses Save and Close option in an article in Joomla?

Global Configuration Toolbar Save − Saves the configuration and stays on the same screen. Save & Close − Saves the configuration and closes the screen.

What PHP version does Joomla use?

Joomla has a recommended minimum PHP requirement at the time of writing of PHP 7.3 or higher. The current official release of PHP is version 7.4.