Do Cub Cadet mulching blades work?

After Mulching As you can see by the pictures, the Cub Cadet Mulching Blades do a great job. It chops leaves up into tiny pieces and puts them back down on the ground to biodegrade. It’s really good for your lawn too.

Which is better mulching blade or regular?

The main thing that a regular blade can do better than a mulching blade is in generating lift. Regular blades typically provide “medium lift” (it’s possible to buy high lift blades if you need more), and this is the reason why they’re considered the better option if you’re going to bag your clippings every time.

Do mulching blades work with side discharge?

Mulching blades are sometimes called “all purpose” or “3-in-1” blades because you can use them to mulch, bag, or side discharge. Standard blades are called 2-in-1 blades because you can use them to either bag or side discharge the grass.

Should I put mulching blades on my mower?

Mulching blades are an excellent choice for use on lawns that receive a mowing every three to four days. Using mulching blades on overgrown grass can result in clogging under the deck and piles of grass on the cut lawn. Mulching is also an environmentally friendly way to deal with grass clippings.

Are Gator blades better than mulching blades?

Unlike other mulching blades that push the grass down, the high lift on a gator blade draws the grass up which in turn gives you a clean, even cut. This high lift also makes using Gator Blades in bagging operations a great choice.

Is mulching better than side discharge?

If you’re mowing large, open areas, where you can direct cut grass back onto your lawn as fertilizer, side discharge is the best choice for lawn health. Mulching mowers are more specialized and typically work more slowly and yield less pristine cuts than side discharge.

Should mulching blades be sharp?

Mulching blades are supposed to be sharp so they can cut through grass, leaves, and other debris. Sharpen the mulching blades with a file until they easily cut through the grass, then tighten the blades onto the lawnmower’s deck. The blades should be sharpened twice per season.

Which is better mulching or side discharge?

How do you mow with mulching blades?

How to Cut a Lawn With a Mulch Blade

  1. Start at the top left corner of the lawn, and move down toward the bottom left corner.
  2. Mow the second row of lawn the same way as the first, mowing another outline inside the outer ring.
  3. Continue mowing in concentric circles or rectangles until you reach the center of the lawn.

Can you bag grass with a mulching blade?

Depending on whether you’re using a walk-behind mower or a lawn tractor, using a mulching blade for bagging is not the best idea. A bagging blade has a bend or wing at the back to create more airflow to send the grass to the bag.

Are mulching blades with teeth better?

Toothed blades, while not always true mulching blades, are better for mulching than standard high-lift blades. The blade teeth do not have a cutting edge but are used to create extra lift, propelling clippings high into the mower deck.