How do you perform a urethrogram?

Take images during early and maximal distention. Attempt to reflux contrast past the urinary sphincter into the posterior urethra. Have patient breathe deeply, then Valsalva, then breathe deeply while injecting contrast when the patient is relaxed. Take image documenting contrast filling the posterior urethra/bladder.

What happens in a urethrogram?

A urethrogram is a contrast study of the urethra under fluoroscopic control. This is done by placing a catheter into the urethral meatus, expanding the balloon gently to form a seal and running a small volume of contrast into the urethra under image control.

Is retrograde urethrogram painful?

No, the procedure does not involve any injections. When the local anesthesia solution is introduced you will only have a discomfort. But if you have pain, immediately report to your Doctor and the procedure may be abandoned. This procedure does not involve any adverse reaction of the contrast agent used.

Why is a urethrogram done?

A urethrogram is usually carried out to show the cause of poor urinary flow thought to be caused by narrowing (a stricture) of the urethra. The most common cause for narrowing of the urethra in men is benign (non-cancerous) enlargement of the prostate gland.

How urethral stricture is diagnosed?

Urethral ultrasound — evaluates the length of the stricture. Pelvic ultrasound — looks for the presence of urine in your bladder after urination. Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) — assesses whether your pelvic bone is affecting or is affected by your condition.

How long does a urethrogram take?

How long does a urethrogram take? Overall, the study will take between 30–60 minutes.

Is urethral dilation painful?

After dilation, your urethra may be sore at first. It may burn when you urinate. You may feel the need to urinate more often, and you may have some blood in your urine. These symptoms should get better in 1 or 2 days.

How long does it take to do a urethrogram?