What did the ending of The Thing mean?
What did the ending of The Thing mean?
The movie gives us no sign that there’s any more than one ship, but it also doesn’t give us the entire history of the creature. That means it’s entirely possible that this has happened before, either with another spacecraft or with the same spacecraft encountered by other people. A lot has changed in 100,000 years.
Who was The Thing at the end of The Thing?
There are more than a few theories. By the end of John Carpenter’s The Thing, only MacReady (Kurt Russell) and Childs (Keith David) are left standing. For decades, audiences have wondered whether or not Childs was human in the movie’s ending, but it is not certain that either one of them is human.
How did The Thing 2011 end?
In the original ending, Kate was to discover the original pilots of the spaceship which had all been killed by The Thing, which was an escaped specimen they had collected from another planet, implying that the ship was crashed in an attempt to kill the monster.
What happens to Kate Lloyd at the end of The Thing?
Lloyd’s fate, like that of Childs and MacReady, is left mostly ambiguous, though it is possible that she survived with enough fuel in Halvorson’s snowcat to make it to the Soviet base where she would have been taken back to civilization.
What happened after the ending of The Thing?
Near the end of the film, convinced they’re both human after a successful blood test, MacReady and a few survivors head out to kill the alien invader, leaving Childs to guard the base. Moments later, the group spots Childs running into a blizzard…which is a little odd.
How does the original The Thing end?
The novella concludes with the humans clearly victorious, but concerned that birds they see flying toward the mainland may have been infected by the Thing. Carpenter opted to end the film with the survivors slowly freezing to death to save humanity from infection, believing this to be the ultimate heroic act.
Who survives at the end of The Thing?
MacReady (Kurt Russell) finally takes on the titular shapeshifter, mano a mano…well, more like mano a explosivo. One big fireball and a zingy one-liner later, MacReady emerges victorious from the flames…and then he runs into Childs (Keith David).
Is Childs infected at the end of The Thing?
[The Thing (1982)] Childs was infected with the Thing, but MacReady’s test didn’t work on him because it hadn’t completely taken him over. At the end of the film, Macgready offers Childs a drink after they’ve been separated, and Childs drinks it.
Did MacReady survive?
MacReady is still very much alive in fact, as he shows up in a helicopter near the end of the game to assist the player character in fighting off an enormous Thing creature. He identifies himself as MacReady, so this isn’t just a case of a lookalike character.
What happens to the girl at the end of The Thing 2011?
She was effectively left alive. Sure in the OG script, as written above, she died of exposure. but they changed that (even in the ending with the pilot it was different) She took a cat there but the thing also took a cat there. So she burns up the one (not exploding it) and then she has the other one.