How do you make jelly shot glasses?


  1. Add jello and gelatin to boiling water. Stir well and add cold water.
  2. Spray the inside of the larger plastic shot glass with non-stick spray and use a paper towel to remove excess.
  3. Fill cup about halfway with jello mix and lightly spray the outside of smaller shot glass with non stick spray and wipe.
  4. Refrigerate.

What are jelly shots made of?

In their most simple form, they are only three ingredients: jell-o powder, hot water, and alcohol. Below, we’ll walk you through the process so your shots are the best they can be!

Do jelly shots make you drunk?

DON’T Expect Jello Shots to Get You Drunk The alcohol in a Jello Shot may jump out and make you believe it’s super high-ABV, but that’s unlikely. “Jello Shots should be less boozy than a standard cocktail as far as the amount of booze,” Williams says.

How do you make jello shots easier?

You can add ice cubes to the drink and then stir it into the boiling mixture until the ice cubes are dissolved. You will only need to let it sit for 60-90 minutes if you follow this step-by-step guide on how to make Jello shots quick. The end results will be the same as in any other recipe.

How do you make jello shots without shot glasses?

3/4 cup boiling water and orange jelly powder should be mixed together. The mixture should be stirred until it has dissolved completely. Pour 1/2 cup cold vodka and 3/4 cup lemon lime pop into a pitcher. Pour the liquid over the cherry jello in the mini muffin tin and place in the fridge until set.

How do you make liquor jelly?

Method. Cut up the jelly and dissolve it in 150ml boiling water. Add 200ml cold water and the vodka, to make up 600ml. Pour into ice-cube trays and leave in the fridge overnight to set.

How do you make gin jelly shots?


  1. 5 lemons.
  2. 6 limes.
  3. 4 leaves gelatin leaf.
  4. 1 ¾ cups tonic water.
  5. ½ cup gin.
  6. 2 tablespoons sugar.

How many Jello Shots does it take to get drunk?

4 jello shots
On average, 4 jello shots is equal to 1 shot of booze. So if you usually get drunk after 3 shots of vodka, you’ll need about 10 to 12 jello vodka shots to get drunk. If 5 shots of vodka get you drunk, then you’ll have to eat 20 jello shots.

How much liquor is in a jello shot?

How much alcohol is in a jello shot? This jello shot recipe uses 1/2 cup vodka for 12 shots = 1/3 ounce vodka per shot. That’s 4 jello shots to equal 1 regular shot. Even if you take out the cold water and use 1 cup vodka = that’s still only 2/3 ounce vodka per shot.

How long does it take for jello shots to kick in?

between 1.5 to 2 hours
How long do jello shots take to set? They take anywhere between 1.5 to 2 hours to set up all the way. No one likes a runny jello shot.

Are jello shots strong?

How Strong Is a Jello Shot? If you make the basic Jell-O shot with a single 80-proof liquor, the alcohol content comes out to be about 12 percent ABV (24 proof).