Is Meriones Greek or Trojan?

In Book 12, Meriones is one of the Greeks to enter Troy inside the Trojan Horse.

Who is the father of Machaon?

Asclepius married Epione, who gave him five immortal daughters and two mortal sons. His daughters, Hygieia, Aceso, Iaso, Aegle, and Panacea, represented the stages of the healing process and pharmaceutical treatment. His sons were Machaon and Podalirius, who both became famous physicians [Figure 3] [12].

Who killed Priam in the Iliad?

When Troy fell, Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, butchered the old king on an altar. Both Priam’s death and his ransoming of Hector were favourite themes of ancient art.

Who died first in Trojan War?

Hyginus surmised that he was originally known as Iolaus—not to be confused with Iolaus, the nephew of Heracles—but was referred to as “Protesilaus” after being the first (πρῶτος, protos) to leap ashore at Troy, and thus the first to die in the war.

What magical charm did Hera use to make Zeus fall asleep?

MYTHOLOGY: Iliad, etc.

What magical charm does Hera use in seducing Zeus and making him fall asleep An enchanted breastband from Aphrodite
What do Helen and Paris do during one particularly stormy battle They sleep together.
Where is Achilles’ old armor most vulnerable to attack At the neck

Did any Trojans survive the Trojan War?

The more common version, however, made Aeneas the leader of the Trojan survivors after Troy was taken by the Greeks. In any case, Aeneas survived the war, and his figure was thus available to compilers of Roman myth.

Who killed Machaon?

Later, as Machaon had foretold, he was killed by Neoptolemus, son of Achilles and never left Troy [28].

Was Priam a good king?

Priam is a courageous king and father. After Achilles kills Hector and drags his body back to the Achaean camps, Priam sneaks into the camps and asks for the return of Hector’s body. The king is surrounded by his enemies, yet he’s willing to do anything to get his son back and give him a Trojan burial.