How do I get a certified digital signature?
How do I get a certified digital signature?
A digital signature is a specific type of electronic signature that requires the signer to authenticate their identity using a certificate-based digital ID. The digital certificate is generally issued by an independent Certificate Authority (CA), which verifies the identity of the signer before issuing the certificate.
How can I get my digital signature certificate online for free?
3 Free Digital signature software
- DocuSign – Docusign help you to sign your any kind of documents and file.
- HelloSign – Did you know helloSign help you to create your electronic digital signature certificate online.
- SmallPdf – SmallPdf tools help you sign your PDF with your customize digital signature.
How can I download DSC certificate?
How to Download Vsign DSC (Digital signature certificate)
- Open Internet Explorer.
- Open Vsign Download link.
- Enter application Id.
- enter Challenge Password.
- Click Submit button.
- Select Your CSP (USB Token Name)
- Enter Your Token Pin.
- Click Submit button.
Who can issue digital signature certificate?
licensed Certifying Authority (CA)
Who issues the Digital Signature Certificate? A licensed Certifying Authority (CA) issues the digital signature. Certifying Authority (CA) means a person who has been granted a license to issue a digital signature certificate under Section 24 of the Indian IT-Act 2000.
What documents are required for DSC?
Any Government issued photo ID having Name & address.
- Aadhaar (eKYC Service)
- Telephone Bill.
- Electricity Bill.
- Water Bill.
- Gas connection.
- Bank Statements signed by the bank.
- Service Tax/VAT Tax/Sales Tax registration certificate.
- Driving License (DL)/ Registration certificate (RC)
How do I renew my digital signature certificate?
Change of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
- Login with user ID using existing Digital Signature Certificate.
- Go to ‘Change DSC details’ option.
- Fill the required details of the DSC, which needs to be mapped with your user ID.
- Select the renewed/Changed DSC.
Which file is created for requesting a digital certificate?
To acquire a digital certificate, generate a request using Key Manager and submit the request to a CA. The request file you generate is in the PKCS#10 format. The CA then verifies your identity and sends you a digital certificate.