How do I get a certified digital signature?

A digital signature is a specific type of electronic signature that requires the signer to authenticate their identity using a certificate-based digital ID. The digital certificate is generally issued by an independent Certificate Authority (CA), which verifies the identity of the signer before issuing the certificate.

How can I get my digital signature certificate online for free?

3 Free Digital signature software

  1. DocuSign – Docusign help you to sign your any kind of documents and file.
  2. HelloSign – Did you know helloSign help you to create your electronic digital signature certificate online.
  3. SmallPdf – SmallPdf tools help you sign your PDF with your customize digital signature.

How can I download DSC certificate?

How to Download Vsign DSC (Digital signature certificate)

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Open Vsign Download link.
  3. Enter application Id.
  4. enter Challenge Password.
  5. Click Submit button.
  6. Select Your CSP (USB Token Name)
  7. Enter Your Token Pin.
  8. Click Submit button.

Who can issue digital signature certificate?

licensed Certifying Authority (CA)
Who issues the Digital Signature Certificate? A licensed Certifying Authority (CA) issues the digital signature. Certifying Authority (CA) means a person who has been granted a license to issue a digital signature certificate under Section 24 of the Indian IT-Act 2000.

What documents are required for DSC?

Any Government issued photo ID having Name & address.

  • Aadhaar (eKYC Service)
  • Telephone Bill.
  • Electricity Bill.
  • Water Bill.
  • Gas connection.
  • Bank Statements signed by the bank.
  • Service Tax/VAT Tax/Sales Tax registration certificate.
  • Driving License (DL)/ Registration certificate (RC)

How do I renew my digital signature certificate?

Change of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

  1. Login with user ID using existing Digital Signature Certificate.
  2. Go to ‘Change DSC details’ option.
  3. Fill the required details of the DSC, which needs to be mapped with your user ID.
  4. Select the renewed/Changed DSC.

Which file is created for requesting a digital certificate?

To acquire a digital certificate, generate a request using Key Manager and submit the request to a CA. The request file you generate is in the PKCS#10 format. The CA then verifies your identity and sends you a digital certificate.