How big do Sterbai Corydoras get?
How big do Sterbai Corydoras get?
2–2.6 inches
Corydoras sterbai are relatively small for catfish, growing to a maximum size of only 2–2.6 inches (5.1–6.6 cm).
How many Sterbai Corydoras should be kept together?
four to six fish
Tank Mates If you’re looking to create a biodiverse community, Sterbai Corys are an excellent addition to the mix. Thanks to their docile nature, they get along with pretty much any fish species. It’s important to keep these fish in groups of at least four to six fish.
How long do Sterbai Corydoras live?
The Sterbai Corydoras is a small, peaceful, freshwater fish that has a lifespan of between ten and 15 years. These fish are easy to care for, and their small size and hardiness make them ideal for a mixed community tank.
Are Sterbai corys hard to breed?
A good diet and the correct conditions will give you the best chance of breeding these fish. Farm bred Corydoras Sterbai are easier to breed as wild ones are notoriously hard to breed in captivity.
Do Cory cats need to be kept in groups?
While Cory Cats can survive alone, they seem much happier in a group of two or more. Two Cory Cats of the same type will often stay close to one another as they move throughout the tank to feed. This is especially true when they rest.
What temperature do corydoras like?
between 74° and 80° F
Water Requirements for Corydoras A pH between 7.0 and 8.0, alkalinity between 3° and 10° dKH (54ppm to 180ppm) and temperature between 74° and 80° F are ideal conditions for most captive bred Cory cats and their relatives.
What can I keep with cory catfish?
Cory Catfish tank mates can be Amano Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp and Ghost Shrimp. Freshwater Snails can include Gold Inca Snails, Ivory Snails, Mystery Snails, Ramshorn Snails, Pond Snails, Malaysian Trumpet Snails, Rabbit Snails, Japanese Trapdoor Snails and Nerite Snails.
What can I keep with Cory catfish?
What is the easiest corydoras to breed?
For those of you looking to try your hand at breeding need look no further than Corydoras aeneus, its albino form or Corydoras paleatus, these are probably the easiest of all Corydoras to breed.