How do I add assembly in PowerShell?

NET Assemblies into PowerShell.

  1. Add-Type. You can load assemblies using the Add-Type cmdlet.
  2. Assembly. LoadFrom.
  3. Assembly. LoadWithPartialName.
  4. Import-Module. Import-Module will also load assemblies.
  5. using Statement. You can also load assemblies with the using statement.

How do I add assembly to GAC without Gacutil?


  1. Uninstall from GAC In C# code.
  2. Register a dll into the GAC – but then it doesn’t show up in the assembly window.
  3. Drag and Drop DLL to assembly folder.
  4. Deploy multiple dll files into gac without gacutil.

How do I add a reference to assembly in GAC?

10 Answers

  1. Open the windows Run dialog (Windows Key + r)
  2. Type C:\Windows\assembly\gac_msil.
  3. Find your assembly and copy its path from the address bar.
  4. Open the Add Reference dialog in Visual Studio and choose the Browse tab.
  5. Paste in the path to your GAC assembly.

What is GAC PowerShell?

The Global Assembly Cache (GAC) is a machine wide repository for . Net Assemblies. PowerShell GAC provides several PowerShell commands to view and modify the GAC. PowerShell GAC works standalone and does not depend on tools like gacutils.exe.

What is an assembly in PowerShell?

An assembly is a packaged chunk of functionality (the . NET equivalent of a DLL). Almost universally an assembly will consist of exactly one file (either a DLL or an EXE).

How do I create a shared assembly or add assembly to GAC in C#?

GAC contains multiple assemblies and it is identified by PUBLIC KEY TOKEN….Open a new project of type class library and name its Assembly; under class1 write the following:

  1. public string sayhello()
  2. {
  3. return “hello from shared assembly”;
  4. }

How do I install log4net assembly?

Installing log4net

  1. In the “Solution Explorer Window,” select and right click on your project.
  2. Click “Manage NuGet Packages…”
  3. Click “Online” and then type log4net in the search box.
  4. Select the log4net package you would like to install.
  5. Click “Install” to start the installation process.

How do I add and remove assembly from GAC?

2 Answers

  1. Navigate to the GAC, which is located at %systemdrive%\Windows\Assembly.
  2. Right-click each assembly file that is included in your application, click Uninstall, and then click Yes to confirm.

How do I know if assembly is installed in GAC?

If you dont care that the assembly is actually in the GAC, but just loadable on the machine (from the appdomain) you can just use LoadAssembly with the assemblies name (strong, common, full, etc). If the assembly can be loaded by Fusion it will be and then you will know it exists.

How do I register a DLL to the GAC?


  1. Open a Windows SDK command prompt.
  2. Enter a command using the following syntax: gacutil /i \GHDotNetUtils.dll.
  3. To verify that the file has been added to the GAC, enter the following command: gacutil /l GHDotNetUtils.dll.

Is PowerShell assembly language?

PowerShell allows the using assembly statement any number of times in a script …