What is a synonym for monomer?
What is a synonym for monomer?
In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for monomer, like: -amide, disaccharide, epoxide, diene, porphyrin, quinone, , pyrrole, dimer, polypeptide and thiol.
Is polymeric a word?
adjective Chemistry. of or relating to a polymer. (of compounds) having the same elements combined in the same proportion but different molecular weights.
What is the opposite of monomer?
What is the opposite of monomer?
polymer | biopolymer |
macromolecule | resin |
What is polymeric structure?
2.2 Polymer Structure. The polymer molecule consists of a “skeleton” (which may be a linear or branched chain or a network structure) and peripheral atoms or atom groups. Polymers of a finite size contain so-called end groups, which do not form part of the repeating structure proper.
What is polymeric material?
polymer A substance made from long chains of repeating groups of atoms. Manufactured polymers include nylon, polyvinyl chloride (better known as PVC) and many types of plastics. Natural polymers include rubber, silk and cellulose (found in plants and used to make paper, for example).
What is a monomer example?
Glucose, vinyl chloride, amino acids, and ethylene are examples of monomers. Each monomer may link in different ways to form a variety of polymers. In the case of glucose, for example, glycosidic bonds may link sugar monomers to form such polymers as glycogen, starch, and cellulose.
What are examples of monomers?
What are examples of monomers? Examples of the monomers are glucose, vinyl chloride, amino acids, and ethylene. Every monomer can link up to form a variety of polymers in different ways. For example, in glucose, glycosidic bonds that bind sugar monomers to form polymers such as glycogen, starch, and cellulose.
What is a monomer structure?
Page 1. Monomers are atoms or small molecules that bond together to form more complex structures such as polymers. There are four main types of monomer, including sugars, amino acids, fatty acids, and nucleotides.
What is polymer and monomer?
monomers. Polymers are a class of synthetic substances composed of multiples of simpler units called monomers. Polymers are chains with an unspecified number of monomeric units. a polymer. Homopolymers are polymers made by joining together monomers of the same chemical composition or structure.
What is the monomeric unit of protein?
amino acids
For example, proteins are composed of monomers called amino acids.