Where is the most common location of an accessory spleen?

splenic hilum
Accessory spleens are almost located on the left side of human body. The splenic hilum and tail of the pancreas are the most common anatomical sites. The splenocolic ligament, greater omentum, mesenterium, adnexal region, and scrotum are occasionally involved.

What is an auxiliary spleen?

Introduction. An accessory spleen, also called a supernumerary spleen, a splenule, or a splenunculus, is a benign and asymptomatic condition in which splenic tissue is found outside the normal spleen. Accessory spleens are a relatively common phenomenon with an estimated 10% to 30% of the population having one.

What does spleen do?

The spleen has some important functions: it fights invading germs in the blood (the spleen contains infection-fighting white blood cells) it controls the level of blood cells (white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets) it filters the blood and removes any old or damaged red blood cells.

What is a lobular spleen?

Splenic clefts, notches and lobules Splenic lobules are remnants of fetal splenic lobulation, persisting in adult life as variations in normal shape. They are most commonly seen along the medial part of the spleen and are sometimes supplied by a branch of the splenic artery.

What is an accessory spleen and where is it usually found?

Accessory spleen is a congenital anomaly characterized by ectopic splenic tissue separated from the main body of the spleen. This is found commonly, in 10–30% of autopsy studies, although patients are often asymptomatic and diagnosis is incidental to other abdominal pathology [1].

Where are accessory spleens not found?

Accessory spleens are most commonly located medial to the splenic hilum, adjacent to or within the pancreatic tail or below the spleen (in the splenorenal ligament). Rarely they may be located elsewhere in the abdomen.

Why do I have 2 spleens?

Polysplenia, or multiple spleens, is due to the absence of fusion of the primordial germs of the spleen. Therefore, between 1 and 6 small spleens are present in the abdominal cavity with dimensions between 1 cm and 6 cm; however, the total volume does not exceed the volume of a normal spleen [9].

What are the four functions of the spleen?


  • Stores blood.
  • Filters blood by removing cellular waste and getting rid of old or damaged blood cells.
  • Makes white blood cells and antibodies that help you fight infection.
  • Maintains the levels of fluid in your body.
  • Produces antibodies that protect you against infection.

Can you eat spleen?

Nutritionally, the spleen is high in iron, packed with protein, and is low in fat. The spleen is an edible organ that adds variety to any menu in different dishes, casseroles, and appetizers. There is an amazing number of recipes on the Internet for preparing this very economical meat.

What is a diminutive spleen?

An autosplenectomy (from ‘auto-‘ self, ‘-splen-‘ spleen, ‘-ectomy’ removal) is a negative outcome of disease and occurs when a disease damages the spleen to such an extent that it becomes shrunken and non-functional.

What ribs cover the spleen?

Overview. The spleen is an organ shaped like a shoe that lies relative to the 9th and 11th ribs and is located in the left hypochondrium and partly in the epigastrium.
