What was popular on YouTube 2014?

At the top of the charts is the much-feared Mutant Spider Dog, a video in which a Polish prankster dressed his dog up as a giant tarantula and terrified unsuspecting passerby.

What is the most old video on YouTube?

The video titled “Me at the zoo” is the oldest video on YouTube. The now iconic video was the very first uploaded to YouTube on April 23, 2005, the day that YouTube started allowing people to upload videos.

Who was the most famous Youtuber in 2014?

Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg
It’s no surprise Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg’s PewDiePie channel was the #1 most viewed channel in all of 2014, but what is a little surprising is how many views the 25-year-old Swede scored over the course of the year. PewDiePie amassed nearly 4.1 billion (with a “b”) views in the 365 days of the calendar year.

How many YouTubers were there in 2014?

YouTube’s annual number of users

Year Number of users
2012 0.8 billion
2013 1 billion
2014 1.1 billion
2015 1.2 billion

Is there a YouTube Rewind 2021?

YouTube cancels YouTube Rewind After a whole decade, YouTube has cancelled its annual YouTube Rewind series. A spokesperson for YouTube announced that they were “retiring” Rewind in a statement to TubeFilter in October 2021.

Who was the first Youtuber with 1 million subscribers?

Milestones and reactions

Channel Subscriber milestone Date achieved
FЯED 1 million April 7, 2009
nigahiga 2 million March 13, 2010
RayWilliamJohnson 5 million November 15, 2011
Smosh 10 million May 25, 2013

Why did Baby get so many dislikes?

Though the video has over 7 million likes, it’s received far more dislikes partly because of Justin Bieber’s bad behaviour, according to reports. He made a record-breaking comeback with his album ‘Purpose’, but before that he had a couple of years of bad press, which turned quite a lot of people against him.

What is the world’s longest video?

The Longest YouTube Video Ever Will Take You 23 Days To Watch. Jonathan Harchick has created and uploaded the longest YouTube video of all time, clocking in at 571 hours, 1 minute and 41 seconds.