How do I call Camp Humphreys DSN from my cell phone?

Command Center Seoul can be reached 24 hours a day at DSN phone 723-3030. Or from a cell phone at 0503-323-3030. Joint Police Information Center (JPIC) from DSN at 738-8070 or 738-6364.

How do I dial DSN to Camp Humphreys?

living quarters). To place a call from the US to a military phone, dial: 1-011-82-5033+last 6 digits. To dial a toll-free 1-800 number from a DSN line, dial: 94-800-xxx-xxxx.

What command is Camp Humphreys?

Camp Humphreys

United States Army Garrison Humphreys
Country United States of America South Korea
Branch United States Army
Type Garrison
Part of Department of Defense Department of the Army Installation Management Command

Can civilians get on Camp Humphreys?

Visitors, 96 hour Escorted Pass Active Duty Military, DOD civilian employees or DOD contractors (SOFA Status personnel) assigned to USFK installations and properly registered in DBIDS may escort visitors onto the installation.

Can I call a DSN number from a cell phone?

DSN telephone numbers can only be dialed from one DSN telephone number to another telephone on the Defense Switched Network. Civilian phone systems can not send or receive calls to or from a DSN phone.

How do you dial a DSN phone?

To dial overseas direct you must dial the DSN prefix “94”, the DSN geographical code at the top of each directory page (314 = Europe, 315 = Pacific, etc.), the seven digit phone number and if prompted your Fort Leavenworth PIN; for example the operator in Germany is 94-314-430-1110 (and your assigned PIN if prompted).

How do I call a DSN number in South Korea?

Calling CNFK/CNRK To call Korean cell phones from a DSN, dial 99 and then the entire cell phone number (ten or eleven digits). To call a DSN from a Korean cell phone, dial 05033 plus the last six digits of the DSN number. The DSN prefix for Korea is 315; the DSN prefix for the United States is 312.

How do you call DSN in Korea?

To call a DSN from a Korean cell phone, dial 05033 plus the last six digits of the DSN number. The DSN prefix for Korea is 315; the DSN prefix for the United States is 312. The prefix is required when calling between regions.

Do you get Cola in Korea?

COLA allowances vary per person, and are based on rank, years of service, location and the number of family members. For a single E-4 in Seoul, the allowance will drop from $627.20 to $558.90 a month.

Is the tap water safe to drink in Camp Humphreys?

USAG Humphreys has been testing our drinking water for PFAS since 2017 to include in 2020, the period of this water quality report. Since testing began, the test results of our drinking water have consistently been less than the EPA lifetime health advisory of 70 ppt.

How do I call a Navy DSN from my cell phone?

DSN CONUS calls can be called by dialing “94” + the seven digit number, then if requested enter your assigned PIN. Example: 94-552- 5555. 7.

How do I call a Korean DSN from US cell phone?

To call Korean cell phone from the U.S., dial 011+82-(Last two digits of prefix -10 or -11) plus the rest of the seven or eight digit phone number. To call Korean cell phones from a DSN, dial 99 and then the entire cell phone number (ten or eleven digits).