What can you use ComputerCraft for?

ComputerCraft is a modification for Minecraft that’s all about computer programming. It allows you to build in-game Computers and Turtles, and write programs for them using the Lua programming language. The addition of programming to Minecraft opens up a wide variety of new possibilities for automation and creativity.

What programming language is ComputerCraft?

Lua programming language
ComputerCraft’s Computers and Turtles are programmed with the easy-to-learn Lua programming language.

What fuel do turtles use Minecraft?

Power source. Turtles require fuel to operate – this means Turtles must be powered from any item that works in a regular furnace, like coal and lava. The turtle gains 0.6 “movement” per half second the fuel would have burnt in a furnace.

How do you use a mining turtle in Minecraft?

The turtle still requires fuel to move, but mining a block (without moving) does not require fuel. The pickaxe does not have durability – it can be used infinitely….

Mining Turtle
Type Mobile computer
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 1227 (diamond pick), 1228 (other pick)
Source Mod ComputerCraft

How do I use Rednet send?


  1. Receive a rednet message. Run ᐅ local id, message = rednet.
  2. Receive a message, stopping after 5 seconds if no message was received. Run ᐅ local id, message = rednet.
  3. Receive a message from computer #2. Run ᐅ local id, message repeat id, message = rednet.

How do you program a turtle in Minecraft?

So, for you to make the Turtle program, first craft a Turtle. Then make a Mining Turtle. To save the program, press CTRL and select SAVE with the Arrow Keys. After that, type MyFirstTurtleProgram (or whatever you called your program).

How do you use a farming turtle?

just put the farming turtle in the spot designated in the picture and it will till and plant out a 12X12 section. Known bug turtle can’t tell if wheat is grown so harvests all. When first starting turtle must be manually feed seeds into the first slot after this it will collect enough seeds to be self sufficient.