What is CMS GPCI?

A geographic practice cost index (GPCI) has been established for every Medicare payment locality for each of the three components of a procedure’s relative value unit (i.e., the RVUs for work, practice expense, and malpractice).

What does PW GPCI mean?

Geographic Practice Cost Indexes They are divided into three types: physician work (PW), practice expense (PE), and malpractice premium (MP) RVUs. Each type of RVU in an HCPCS code is adjusted by a corresponding GPCI and each HCPCS code is made up of a varying amount of the three types of RVUs.

How is GPCI calculated?

The PE GPCI is calculated as a weighted average of the four PE GPCI component indices, where the weight assigned to each PE GPCI component index equals each input’s average share of physician practice expenses nationally.

Which RVU elements are adjusted by the GPCI?

An adjustment component, geographic practice cost index (GPCI), reflects local costs, and the WORK, PE, and MP elements of the RVU have their own GPCIs. Both the RVUs and GPCIs are included in the payment calculation.

What is GPCI PE?

PRACTICE EXPENSE (PE GPCI) The practice expense GPCI adjusts for geographic variation in the direct costs of providing services and the indirect costs of maintaining a clinical practice, including administrative and clinical staff compensation (salary and benefits), rent, and supplies and equipment (CMS, 2010a).

What are the three components of RBRVS?

RBRVS Overview The Medicare Resource Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS) assigns a Relative Value Unit (RVU) to each service according to the resource costs needed to provide the service. These costs are measured in three components: (1) physician work (2) practice expense and (3) professional liability insurance.

What are the 3 elements of RVU?

Medicare Reimbursement in Calculated To understand this more fully, the calculations can be broken into three components – RVUs, the geographical adjustment and the conversion factor. Relative value units (RVUs) – RVUs capture the three following components of patient care.

How do I calculate my RVU?

Calculate the work RVUs (wRVUs) associated (by group or individual) by multiplying the frequency associated with each CPT code billed during the period of time by the wRVU for each CPT code.

What is CMS conversion factor?

In implementing S. 610, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released an updated 2022 Medicare physician fee schedule conversion factor (i.e., the amount Medicare pays per relative value unit) of $34.6062.

What is the difference between RVU and RBRVS?

RVUs are the basic component of the Resource-Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS), which is a methodology used by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and private payers to determine physician payment. RVUs, or relative value units, do not directly define physician compensation in dollar amounts.

What is RBRVS formula?

The entire formula looks like this: [(RVUw x GPCIw) + (RVUpe x GPCIpe) + (RVUmp x GPCImp)] x CF = Medicare Allowable Fee. where RVUw, RVUpe, and RVUm are the RVUs for physician work, practice expense, and malpractice expense, respectively.