Is Unstable Affliction better than ruin?

In a VERY short amount of time (gear), perhaps even weeks (4-5 pieces), the Ruin talent begins to outperform Unstable Affliction heavily. You ruin respec to the 0/21/40 Shadow-Destro or “Ruin” build. That remains your top PvE DPS until you get significantly more hit and spell power gear.

Is Affliction viable in TBC?

Affliction Warlock PvE Viability in TBC Classic On a single-target fight, Affliction falls behind Destruction, but it can pull ahead under the right circumstances, most notably when compared with a Warlock that is not in another Warlock’s party.

Are all warlocks evil?

Warlocks have an overall poor reputation, a result of their dealings with otherworldly and often malevolent creatures. However, not all warlocks are evil by nature and may use such deadly gifts for more benign purposes.

Which race is best for Warlock?

Gnomes are the best warlock race for Alliance in both PvE and PvP due to their racial advantages. Other than racial advantages, all the warlocks are the same. There are only three Races that can be great warlocks for the alliance, and they are Gnomes, Dwarfs, and Humans.

What does Affliction Warlock bring to a raid TBC?

Curses. Curse of the Elements. Negates the resistance for most bosses and increases raid-wide DPS. Affliction Warlocks bring Malediction to the table making it even better.

Can Warlock dots crit in TBC?

A DoT can’t crit, and therefore it doesn’t care about resilience.

How does someone become a warlock?

Every time a witch or warlock is born, they inherit a tiny piece of the All. Though some warlocks were born, witches can also become warlocks when they murder good witches in cold blood and obtain their powers.

How do Warlocks get their power?

Warlocks in this edition received their abilities through the influence of some supernatural being such as a demon or fey. They are either born with these powers or receive them through a fell pact, which turns their soul into a dark font of eldritch powers.

What does SM ruin mean?

Shadow Mastery/Ruin
Full Title: Shadow Mastery/Ruin.

How do you play Affliction Warlock in Shadowlands?


  1. Apply and maintain Agony.
  2. Apply and maintain Corruption.
  3. Apply and maintain Unstable Affliction.
  4. Apply and maintain Siphon Life, if talented.
  5. Apply and maintain Scouring Tithe.
  6. Apply and maintain Shadow Embrace.
  7. Cast Haunt on cooldown, if talented.
  8. Cast Vile Taint on cooldown, if talented.