Where can I find well written articles?

8 Great Places to Find Articles Worth Reading on the Web

  1. Longform. Longform is an article curation service.
  2. Longreads. Another of the most popular article curation sites is Long reads.
  3. The Browser.
  4. r/InDepthStories.
  5. Pocket.
  6. CoolTools: The Best Magazine Articles Ever.
  7. Medium.
  8. MakeUseOf.

What are the best articles to write about?

50 Title Ideas When You’re Writing Articles/Blogs

  • Why I Blog.
  • My Love Affair With…
  • Interview with (someone who’s no longer living – you make up the answers you think they’d give)
  • A Charity You Should Know About.
  • If I Ran the World.
  • 5 Books You Need to Read.
  • The One Thing I Do Every Day.
  • If Keyboards Could Talk.

Which articles are most read?

The top 10 most read articles in 2021

  • 1) How flappers rebelled through feminism and consumerism.
  • 2) Cultures of silence.
  • 3) Ethical dilemmas of social media – and how to navigate them.
  • 4) Why the big four provide higher quality audits.
  • 5) Covid-19: The dysfunctional effect of coercive power to control the pandemic.

How do you tell if an article is well written?

The journal (academic publication) where the article is published says something about the quality of the article. Journals are ranked in the Journal Quality List (JQL). If the journal you used is ranked at the top of your professional field in the JQL, then you can assume that the quality of the article is high.

What is the best article website?

Some of the best free article submission sites are:

  • sites.google.com. Undoubtedly, it is one of the best link-building mediums offered by Google.
  • github.com.
  • iSnare.com.
  • storify.com.
  • goarticles.info.
  • quora.com.
  • tumblr.com.
  • articlebiz.com.

What makes an article interesting?

It should spark the curiosity of the reader, keep them absorbed, make them want to keep reading and learn more. A boring essay risks losing the reader’s attention; even if the points you make are excellent, a dull writing style or poor handling of a dry subject matter can undermine the positive aspects of the essay.

How do you write an impressive article?

7 Tips for Writing a Good Article Quickly

  1. Keep a list of ideas handy. You never know when writer’s block will hit.
  2. Eliminate distractions. A lot of people claim to work better while multitasking.
  3. Research efficiently.
  4. Keep it simple.
  5. Try writing in bullet points.
  6. Edit after writing.
  7. Set a timer.

How do I submit an article?

How to Publish an Article in a Magazine in 5 Steps

  1. Choose a topic you’re passionate about. Before you can see your byline in a magazine publication or website, you’ll need to come up with a great article idea.
  2. Research and write.
  3. Edit your article.
  4. Determine which publications to submit to.
  5. Submit your article.

How can I publish my own article?

To get you started, here is a list of platforms offering free article publishing.

  1. Medium. Medium is a very popular free publishing site where you can share your writing.
  2. Linkedin Articles. You are probably already on Linkedin.
  3. EzineArticles.
  4. Scoop.It.
  5. Issuu.
  6. Yudo.
  7. Article Alley.
  8. PUB HTML5.