What to reply to haters gonna hate?

Haters gonna hate, right?

  • 1. “
  • 2.”I guess if you actually ever spoke your mind, you’d really be speechless.”
  • 3.”If I wanted to listen to an ass I’d fart.”
  • 4.”I have met some pricks in my time, but you, sir, are a cactus!”
  • 6.”Is your drama going to have an intermission soon?”

How do you respond to haters quotes?

Quotes about Haters

  1. “No matter how good you are, someone is always going to be against you.
  2. “The hated man is the result of his hater’s pride rather than his hater’s conscience.” –
  3. “Be who you want to be and not care about what others think.” –
  4. “Haters are my favorite.
  5. “Remember what I told you.

How do you reply to a basher?

11 Tips to turn the table around and make bashers supporters

  1. Thank them for their time and effort.
  2. Apologize for things that you clearly did wrong or by mistake.
  3. Address every single one of them.
  4. Be polite.

How do you deal with hateful comments?

How To Respond To Hateful Comments

  1. Ignore the content and instead reflect the emotion of the other person. There are many reasons why someone would engage in hateful comments.
  2. Jedi mind trick ’em.
  3. Walking away.
  4. Engage in discussion – it could simply be a miscommunication.

Do you hate me answer?

in that case, to keep it light, the best answer is, “No, I dont hate you. I just strongly dislike you.” If I hate them I’m not going to lie.

How do you respond to jealous people?

Providing them with a compliment and also acknowledging that differences exist and that is normal and fine will help ease their own insecurities. You can’t compliment someone into happiness, but you can help disarm their negative comments that are rooted in jealousy if you provide them with positive feedback.

How do I shut my haters down?

How to Deal with “Haters”

  1. What is a “Hater?”
  2. How to Deal with Haters.
  3. Ignore it. Walk away.
  4. Block online haters.
  5. Be kind and respectful, even to haters.
  6. Stick with supporters.
  7. Remind yourself that comments from a hater are a reflection of them and aren’t really about you.
  8. Understand criticism can be a sign of pain.

How do you respond to haters on social media?

These are our tips for dealing with those riled up customers on social media:

  1. Respond. Always.
  2. Keep your cool. That saying “the customer is always right” is bologna.
  3. Apologize and offer a solution.
  4. Thank them.
  5. Block or delete them.

How do you respond to a negative person?

Here are the seven responses I use with people who always seem to have something negative to say.

  1. “I’m sorry to hear that.
  2. “Wow, that sucks.
  3. “Ooh.
  4. “If only [name] had the experience/wisdom/work ethic that you did!”
  5. “Please, correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like you’re upset because…”
  6. “Oh gosh.

How do I tell someone I hate them?

30 Subtle Ways To Let Someone Know That You Don’t Like Them

  1. Date their best friend.
  2. Only hang out with them in groups.
  3. Tell them that you have plans.
  4. Draw a photo of a couple.
  5. Forget their birthday.
  6. Forget their birthday after promising to make it “the best birthday ever!”