How many schools are in the Placentia Yorba Linda school district?

34 school sites
The District’s 34 school sites include 20 elementary schools, 5 middle schools, 1 K-8 school, 4 comprehensive high schools, 1 special education school, 1 continuation high school, 1 TK-12 home school, and 1 K-12 online school.

Does Yorba Linda have good schools?

Yorba Linda High School is ranked #1,032 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college.

What school district is Placentia California?

Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District
Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District.

What school district is Yorba Linda High School?

Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified

County Orange
CDS Code 30 66647 0000000
District Address 1301 East Orangethorpe Ave. Placentia, CA 92870-5302 Google Map Link opens new browser tab
Mailing Address 1301 East Orangethorpe Ave. Placentia, CA 92870-5302
Phone Number (714) 986-7000

What schools are in Pylusd?

El Camino Real High School (9-12) 1351 E. Orangethorpe Avenue.

  • El Dorado High School (9-12) 1651 N.
  • Esperanza High School (9-12) 1830 N.
  • Valencia High School (9-12) 500 N.
  • Yorba Linda High School (9-12) 19900 Bastanchury Road.
  • What time does Yorba Linda High School start?

    Yorba Linda High School — Bell Schedules

    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
    Description / Period Start Time End Time
    Period 1 7:55 AM 8:50 AM
    Period 2 8:57 AM 9:52 AM
    BREAK 9:52 AM 10:02 AM

    How many high schools are there in California?

    There are 3,892 high schools in California, made up of 3,162 public schools and 730 private schools. California ranks as the 1st state in terms of student enrollment and 1st in terms of total number of schools.

    Who is the Pylusd superintendent?

    Dr. James Elsasser
    Dr. James Elsasser is the Superintendent of the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District (PYLUSD). He began his tenure with the district on January 4, 2021.

    What division is Yorba Linda High School football?

    Division 1
    Stats Updated. Yorba Linda’s stats have been entered for the 44-21 loss @ Bishop Amat on 11/5/2021 7:00 PM. Southern Section football playoff brackets – Mitch Stephens St. John Bosco, Servite and Centennial are other squads in the eight team Division 1 bracket that starts in two weeks.

    What does Yorba Linda mean in Spanish?

    In 1907 part of the former Yorba land was sold to the Janss Corporation, which subdivided it and named the new city Yorba Linda (linda meaning “pretty” in Spanish).

    What is Yorba Linda High School known for?

    Established in 2009, YLHS is a school founded on the traditions of student and community connections and academic excellence. In a relatively short period of time, YLHS became a California Distinguished School, Gold Ribbon School, and U.S. News and World Report Top High School.