Is RCBC same as RCBC Savings?

RCBC and RCBC Savings Bank have merged and we are now officially #StrongerTogether to give you better access to all of RCBC’s financial products. Get to know the bigger, better and stronger #OneRCBC.

How much is the minimum balance for RCBC Savings Account?

Saving is easy and flexible with RCBC

Accounts Minimum Initial Deposit Balance to Earn Interest
Regular Savings ATM PHP 3,000 PHP 25,000
Regular Savings Passbook PHP 5,000 PHP 25,000
eWoman Savings PHP 15,000 PHP 25,000
Dragon Peso Savings PHP 25,000 PHP 25,000

What happened to RCBC Savings Bank?

“We merged RCBC and RCBC Savings and that will save us probably P500 million to P700 million a year in cost,” he said. RCBC and RCBC Savings Bank merged last July 22. The thrift bank arm transferred its net assets to RCBC in exchange for 315.29 million common shares of RCBC.

How much is needed to open a RCBC account?

To join this promo, you need to successfully open a new RCBC account online, get fully verified and put in an initial deposit of at least P1,000….

P1,000 to P3,000 Php 100
P3,001 to P5,000 Php 300
P5,001 and up Php 500

How can I call RCBC by phone?

(+632) 8877-7222.

How do I close my RCBC Savings Account?

If the CLIENT applies for termination or closure of its Account within one (1) month from its opening, the CLIENT shall pay an Early Closure Fee (ECF), at the rate prevailing at the time of application, before RCBC effects the Account termination or closure.

How can I call RCBC from mobile?

How much is the minimum withdrawal in RCBC ATM?

Cardless Withdrawal allows you to withdraw your funds via RCBC ATM even without your ATM card. Is there a minimum and maximum limit for Cardless Withdrawal transaction? Minimum amount is PHP 100, while the maximum amount limit is PHP 25,000 per transaction.

How can I check my RCBC balance?

Check your available limit, outstanding balance, and latest payments details via SMS! Text RCBCBANKARDBALFirst 4 and Last 4 Digits of your card then send to 09191600402. PRO TIP: Save this number for convenience!

How can I get ATM in RCBC?

What You’re In For:

  1. Minimum Initial Deposit. PHP 3,000.
  2. Required Average Daily Balance (ADB) PHP 3,000.
  3. Balance to Earn Interest. PHP 25,000.
  4. Interest Rate. 0.15%
  5. MyDebit ATM Card Benefits. Cashless and Online Shopping. Enhanced Security. Worldwide Acceptance through Mastercard.
  6. Transaction Record. Statement of Account.

How do I contact RCBC credit card?

Call the RCBC Bankard Customer Service hotline:

  1. 8888-1888 for Gold, Classic, & Co-Brand.
  2. 8888-1818 for AirAsia Credit Cards.
  3. 8888-1883 for Premium (World, Infinite, Platinum, & ZALORA Credit Card)

What is customer number in RCBC online banking?

Call RCBC Customer Care at +632 8877-7222.