How do you treat holes in sweet potato leaves?
How do you treat holes in sweet potato leaves?
A: I’ll give you three choices: golden tortoise beetle, potato flea beetle and one of the looper caterpillars. All three love sweet potato leaves. My vote goes to tortoise beetle. Any garden insecticide you care to use will control these insects.
What eats holes in potato leaves?
Flea beetles usually don’t damage tubers, but their feeding does result in many small holes throughout leaves. These small “shot holes” can make potato plants susceptible to bacterial and fungal diseases such as Verticillium wilt and Fusarium rot.
How do I keep bugs off my sweet potato vine?
The University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program suggests you wear protective clothing and eyewear, socks, shoes and a hat while you drench the leaves on both sides. The solution kills the pests on contact.
What is eating my sweet potato vines?
Habits of Chewers. Voles (Microtus spp.), ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi), and gophers (Thomomys spp.) have a common taste for sweet potato vines.
What is eating holes in my sweet potato leaves?
Sweet Potato Flea Beetle Sweet potato leaves are often damaged by sweet potato flea beetles (Chaetocnema confinis); however, most damage to the plant occurs from larvae feeding on the roots. Adult beetles are black, about 1/16-inch long and usually hop away when disturbed.
What insects eat sweet potatoes?
Sweet Potato Insect Pests. Many insect pests have the potential to reduce the quality and yield of sweet potatoes.
What causes holes in sweet potato vine leaves?
Holes in the leaves of morning glory and sweet potato vine may be the first clue your plants are infested with goldbug. This 5 to 7 mm long bright gold beetle is also known as the golden tortoise beetle. Both the adult and larvae feed on the leaves of all members of the morning glory family.
What is making holes in my potato plant leaves?
What is going on? A: Small holes in early summer, in the leaves of any vegetable, are the hallmark of flea beetles. These beetles are about the size of fleas and they hop like fleas, so they usually remain invisible to gardeners. Fortunately, their appetites match their physical size.
Why do my sweet potato vines have holes?
Both the adult and larvae feed on the leaves of all members of the morning glory family. Their feeding creates numerous small holes that often create a lacy look to the leaves. Fortunately, their damage usually does not warrant treatment.
Should I trim sweet potato vines?
The vines of sweet potatoes tend to ramble far and wide, which is why many home gardeners don’t raise them. If vines are wandering out of bounds, try turning them back into the vegetable garden. It’s best not to trim vines; they help feed the potatoes.
What bugs eat sweet potatoes?
The sweet potato root can be injured by several soil insects including: the sweet potato weevil, rootworms, wireworms, white grubs, whitefringed beetles and flea beetles. The sweet potato weevil larva is the only insect that tunnels throughout the root. Other soil insects feed on the surface of the developing root.
How do I get rid of wireworms?
How to Get Rid of Wireworm Pests. Wireworm control involves taking a soil sampling for wireworms or inspecting the soil after plowing in the fall. Dry flour baits can be inserted into the soil using a corn planter. Twenty-five baits should be put out per acre, and these traps should be checked every couple days.