How did Dean get out of Hell in season 4?

In Hell, the garrison faced tough opposition, but Castiel ultimately managed to reach Dean and pull him from Hell. Castiel restored Dean’s soul to his body and resurrected him, but due to his angelic touch, left a burn in the shape of a handprint on Dean’s shoulder.

What episode in season 4 does Dean come back?

Lazarus Rising DEAN RETURNS – It’s four months later and Dean (Jensen Ackles) wakes in a pine box. He’s been freed from Hell. He has a joyful reunion with Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Bobby (Jim Beaver), but it isn’t long before the three wonder what exactly pulled Dean from Hell and what it will want in return.

What season and episode does Dean come back from Hell?

The narrative follows the brothers Dean (Jensen Ackles) and Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) as Dean returns from hell and tries to discover how he came back to life….Lazarus Rising (Supernatural)

“Lazarus Rising”
“Lazarus Rising” marks the first appearance of Castiel portrayed by Misha Collins
Episode no. Season 4 Episode 1
Directed by Kim Manners

What happens at the end of season 4 in Supernatural?

Sam decides to drink the nurse and save the world. Castiel has come to a decision too, breaking Dean free and taking him to the prophet to find out where the final seal is. Castiel promises to hold off the archangels and sends Dean to the convent.

Who did Sam Winchester marry in the final episode?

But the fact stands that if we believe his words, then Eileen was brought back for the final season to be a prop piece for Sam. And we’re not about that life, especially with the history of fridging that Supernatural has had when it comes to their female characters. Sam and Eileen got married. Dean approved.

Who killed Dean Winchester?

Dean dies when Dr Robert injects him with something that kills him, in order to give him time to talk to Death. He is revived 7 minutes later. Dean dies after being stabbed in the chest by Metatron with an angel blade.

Who died more Sam or Dean?

From the beginning of Supernatural to the end, both Sam and Dean met multiple demises. Sam specifically died a whopping eight times. Without any further ado, here’s the full rundown of how each death went down, and where applicable, how Sam was resurrected.