Why does my Canon camera Say memory card locked?

When this tab is in the LOCK position, a sensor switch in the camera tells the camera that the card should not be written to, i.e. the card is locked. Remove the SD card from the camera. Check the position of the locking tab and make sure it is not in the LOCK position. Reinsert the card, and try again.

How do you unlock my memory card which is locked?

SOLUTION 1 – Unlock the memory card. There is a Lock switch on the left side of the SD card. Make sure the Lock switch is slid up (unlock position). You will not be able to modify or delete the contents on the memory card if it is locked.

Why does my memory card say locked?

So, when you get “Memory card locked” error message, check your SD card and make sure that you didn’t accidentally place the tiny locking slide switch on the side of your SD card in the “locked” downward position. It is the first and easiest step to unlock memory card.

Why is my SD card locked?

It’s not always obvious and is easy to overlook, but many SD cards have a tiny switch lock on the side. It’s there in case you want to prevent data from being written onto the card or accidentally deletion of images or videos.

Why does it keep saying my memory card is locked?

If you don’t carry your SD card in a case, contact with other items might change the locking switch’s position. In the long run, after lots of use, the switch might become loose. This can make your SD card appear “locked” when the switch is at either the locked or unlocked position.

Why is memory card locked?

How do I know if my SD card is locked or unlocked?

In most cases, you can easily tell that an SD card is locked or unlocked if you have it in your hand. On the left side of it, there is typically a small lock switch that’s used to determine the SD card lock position. If it’s switched down, that means it is locked.

How do I know if my SD card is locked?

If an SD memory card is locked, you can unlock it by moving the Lock tab to the position shown in the diagram below. If the tab is in the up position, the memory card is unlocked. When the tab is down, the memory card is locked.