How much revolution does a dog need?

DOSAGE: The recommended minimum dose is 2.7 mg selamectin per pound (6 mg/kg) of body weight. Administer the entire contents of a single dose tube (or two tubes used in combination for dogs weighing over 130 pounds) of Revolution topically in accordance with the following tables.

Is there a generic version of revolution for dogs?

Selarid (selamectin) generic to Revolution – Pet VM.

Do I need a prescription for revolution for dogs?

REVOLUTION is a prescription-only medication available only through a veterinarian, not a pesticide registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

What is the minimum weight for revolution?

It is available in colour coded, single dose tubes for topical (dermal) treatment of dogs and cats beginning at six weeks of age. The content of each tube is formulated to provide a minimum of 6mg Selamectin/kg body weight. INDICATIONS: For the treatment, control and prevention of flea (Ctenocephalides spp.)

When should you start revolution?

For the prevention and control of flea infestations, Revolution should be administered at monthly intervals throughout the flea season, starting one month before fleas become active. In controlled laboratory studies >98% of fleas were killed within 36 hours.

Is revolution better than Advantage?

If your dog requires treatment and control of heartworm, sarcoptic mange or ear mites, if you want to control American dog ticks, Revolution might be the best choice for your dog. If your dog is suffering from a lice infestation, or if you want to kill flea larvae and eggs, Advantage II may be a better option.

Can I buy revolution over the counter?

So, where to buy Revolution for cats? Because its’s a UTC (under-the-counter) medication you must have a prescription from a veterinarian in order to purchase it from a pharmacy that’s able to dispense pet medications. This is the same for other flea medications like Frontline Plus and Advantage.

Can I get REVOLUTION PLUS without vet prescription?

It also prevents heartworm disease and treats and controls ear mites, roundworms, and hookworms. Revolution Plus is easy to apply and is a quick-drying solution for a mess-free administration. Revolution Plus requires a prescription from your veterinarian.

Why does my dog still have fleas after using Revolution?

A. The active ingredient in FRONTLINE (fipronil) kills fleas by affecting their nervous system, making them hyperactive before dying. These dying fleas often rise to the top of your pet’s haircoat, so the presence of visible fleas after treating your pet, is a sign that the product is working.

What age can you use Revolution on puppies?

You should not administer Revolution to dogs younger than 6 weeks of age or cats younger than 8 weeks of age.