What is the cause of brachymetatarsia?

What are the causes of brachymetatarsia? Brachymetatarsia can occur as a result of genetics or trauma. Genetic conditions that can cause brachymetatarsia include changes in your parathyroid hormonal levels, Down Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, and Albright Syndrome.

How do you fix brachymetatarsia?

Conservative treatment for brachymetatarsia involves wearing modified shoes that allow more room for the shortened toe that tends to drift upwards. Padding is used to protect the toe from the top of the shoe, and specialized orthotics can be used to relieve pressure from the other toes.

Is brachymetatarsia a disability?

Abstract. Congenital metatarsal shortening (brachymetatarsia) causes minor disability in daily life. However, patients are likely to seek medical care complaining mainly of cosmetic problems when they reach adolescence or adult life.

Can brachymetatarsia cause foot pain?

Patient with brachymetatarsia often have associated pain and difficulty wearing shoes. Often the pain and deformity may impact there walking and activities not to mention the negative psychological impact many have about the foot’s appearance. Often these problems are progressive as the foot grows and develops.

What is Cinderella surgery?

Cinderella surgery is a type of foot surgery that has become popular in recent years. This type of surgery can be attractive to women who want to reshape their feet. It involves shaving down bunions and changing the length of the toes which can make it easier to wear high heels.

Does metatarsalgia show up on xray?

Metatarsalgia Diagnosis X-rays may help your doctor rule out other causes of forefoot pain. A bone scan can pinpoint places of inflammation. Ultrasound can help identify conditions such as bursitis or Morton’s neuroma that cause pain in the metatarsal area.

Who has brachymetatarsia?

Congenital brachymetatarsia is reported to affect almost exclusively females (96% of the cases) and mostly show bilateral involvement (72% of the cases) [5]. Herein, we present a rare case of congenital unilateral brachymetatarsia which was incidentally detected in a young adult male.