What is bidirectional cavopulmonary shunt?

Objectives: The bidirectional cavopulmonary (Glenn) shunt is a commonly performed procedure for a variety of cyanotic congenital heart diseases that lead eventually to a single ventricle repair. It is usually performed under cardiopulmonary bypass with its associated adverse effects and costs.

Is the Blalock Taussig shunt still used?

In modern practice, this procedure is temporarily used to direct blood flow to the lungs and relieve cyanosis while the infant is waiting for corrective or definitive surgery.

How does Blalock Taussig shunt work?

The Blalock-Taussig (BT) shunt mimics the role of the ductus arteriosus, meaning it allows blood to flow from a major artery through a connection to the pulmonary artery. Not only does this allow more blood to be oxygenated by the lungs, it also encourages the pulmonary arteries to grow, making the next surgery easier.

What is Norwood procedure for left hypoplastic heart?

Babies born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome need the Norwood procedure because their left ventricle and aorta are too small to pump blood to the body. The Norwood procedure lets the right ventricle pump blood to the body (usually it only pumps blood to the lungs).

What is Blalock-Taussig procedure?

Blalock-Taussig shunt, also known as Blalock-Thomas-Taussig shunt, is a palliative procedure designed to increase pulmonary arterial blood flow in patients with right ventricular outflow tract obstruction (e.g. tetralogy of Fallot) or during initial staged repair of hypoplastic left heart syndrome.

Is Blalock-Taussig shunt open-heart surgery?

This is a closed-heart procedure. The BT shunt mimics the role of the ductus arteriosus. It is often put in place after the ductus closes naturally. Shunts are usually used for four to five months, until the child outgrows them and a second operation or definitive repair is needed.

What is a Melbourne shunt?

Mee shunt (or Melbourne shunt). e main PA is disconnected from the heart and anastomosed on and end-to-side fashion to the ascending aorta in order to promote growth of the branch PAs and allow for future reconstruction. is procedure can be performed through a median sternotomy or a left thoracotomy.

Which of the following is an indication for a Blalock-Taussig shunt?

Following is a list of indications for Blalock-Taussig shunt: Tricuspid atresia. Tetralogy of Fallot. Ebstein’s Anomaly.