How do I contact FPL customer services?

Find easy ways to troubleshoot TV, radio, phone or computer problems. Call 1-800-4-OUTAGE (1-800-468-8243) immediately to report a dangerous condition such as a downed power line.

What is FPL billing address?

Address to send correspondence FPL GENERAL MAIL FACILITY. MIAMI, FL 33188-0001.

What is FPL direct debit?

FPL Automatic Bill Pay is the stress-free way to pay your bill on time every month. Set it up once and every month, on the day you chose, your bill amount will automatically be withdrawn from your checking account. Benefits of the program include: Set it up once, and your bill amount will be automatically withdrawn.

Why is my FPL bill so high?

Additional factors can increase your energy bill too. Things like older appliances can be less efficient and use more energy; house guests, kids on break and working from home can all increase A/C, hot water and oven use; and even purchasing additional electronics.

How do I open a FPL account?

If you do not have an account, you will have the opportunity to register for one.

  1. Please make sure to have your account number,
  2. a valid email address.
  3. the last four digits of your Social Security, Social Insurance, or Tax ID number (optional) available.

How do I pay my FPL bill by mail?

Pay by Mail

  1. Include the top portion of your bill with your payment.
  2. Use the return envelope provided with your bill.
  3. Make your check or money order payable to FPL in U.S. funds.
  4. Write your FPL account number on the check or money order.
  5. Do not send cash.
  6. Do not include paper clips or staples.
  7. Avoid folding your check.

How do you mail back a bill?

The best approach is to drop the letter off at the post office or hand it to a uniformed mail carrier. Blue USPS collection boxes might be slightly less safe, but you can minimize problems by dropping your letter off before the last daily collection (read the label on the mailbox door for pickup times).

What is a FPL bill?

What is FPL Budget Billing? FPL Budget Billing gives you more predictable electric bills by evening out your energy costs over the year so you pay about the same amount each month. Benefits of the program include: No more bill fluctuations during months of hot or cold weather. Easier to manage monthly expenses.

Whats is FPL?

FPL is an abbreviation for federal poverty level, which is a measure of income used to determine eligibility for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), as well as premium subsidies and cost-sharing reductions (cost-sharing subsidies) in the exchange, and other federal programs.

What is the average electric bill in Florida?

Florida’s energy prices are on the high side. Residents pay an average monthly electricity bill of $126.44, based on information from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). That’s 13% higher the national average of $111.67.

How can I reduce my FPL bill?

Keep your energy costs under control by following these simple tips:

  1. Cool your home at 78° F or warmer with the thermostat fan switch on “auto.” For additional savings, raise the thermostat to 82° F while you’re away.
  2. Use a fan to keep cool so you can raise your thermostat even higher.