Why are my iPhone texts sending as emails?

It sounds like your Apple ID is activated with iMessage and your “Start new conversations from” is set to your email address, instead of your phone number. To resolve this, simply navigate to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive and configure the settings to start new conversations from your phone number.

How do I get my iPhone to stop sending texts as emails?

Go to Settings>Messages>Receive At>Caller ID. Choose your phone number rather than your email address. Had same problem the only way I found was to turn off iMessage.

Why are my texts coming through as emails?

Lest you think it’s the tech demons pranking you for taking forever to respond to texts, your text messages and email address typically get linked due to iMessage. It seems like this can occur more often if you use iMessage on other Apple devices like your Macbook or iPad.

Why is iMessage sending from email and not phone number?

If you originally start an iMessage using an iPhone users email and not phone number, then for whatever reason if you don’t have data at the time of your message it will send it as an email NOT A TEXT. It does not revert back to their default number even if it’s stored into your contacts.

How do I turn off Imessaging?

To get text messages on your new Android phone, switch from Apple’s iMessage to Android’s Messages….Turn off iMessage

  1. On your iPhone, go to Settings.
  2. Tap Messages.
  3. Set iMessage to Off.

How do I get my iMessage to use my phone number not my email?

Go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive . Select the info icon by your email and choose Remove This Email . Then turn on sms, turn off iMessage and after a minute turn imessage on again and the email should be gone.

How do I change my iPhone back to iMessage from text message?


  1. Quit the Messages app (Double press your home button and swipe up on the Messages app).
  2. Go to Settings > Messages and Turn OFF and then back ON your iMessage option.

Why won’t my Messages send as iMessage?

iMessage needs access to the internet, either via WiFi or a cellular signal, so if you have no service, a network issue, or are in Airplane Mode, the message can’t be sent. Check your WiFi and cell signal to make sure your phone can communicate with the outside world.

Why are my Messages sending green to another iPhone?

If you see a green message bubble instead of a blue one, then that message was sent using MMS/SMS instead of iMessage. There are several reasons for this: The person that you sent the message to doesn’t have an Apple device. iMessage is turned off on your device or on your recipient’s device.