How do I change my name on my teaching license in Tennessee?

NOTE: If you are requesting a name change you must submit a photocopy of the notarized or certified marriage license/certificate, divorce decree or court order that has generated the legal change of name.

Can you be a teacher without a degree in Tennessee?

In order to earn Tennessee teaching certification, a prospective teacher must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher learning and complete a teacher preparation program approved by the Tennessee Department of Education.

What is TN compass?

TN Compass was created to allow for submissions of Tennessee educator licensure transactions, and this process is now available for the Practitioner Occupational License. Benefits of using TNCompass: • One-stop-shop for all documents and processing.

How do I look up a Tennessee teaching license?

Visit Enter your first and last name or license number. Select “View License”

How many PDPs do you need to renew your teaching license in Tennessee?

How many PDPs do I need to renew a professional license? To renew a professional license, educators must submit 60 acceptable PDPs earned during the validity period of their license.

How do I reinstate my TN teaching license?

To renew a professional license, an educator must: submit 60 professional development points (PDPs). PDPs must be accrued during the validity period of the license. To learn more about activities that may be used for PDPs, visit the PDP resource page.

How do I become a teacher with a bachelor’s degree in Tennessee?

To earn teaching licensure in Tennessee, you must hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited school, complete an approved educator preparation program, and pass appropriate content area and grade level Praxis® tests. You can take the edTPA test instead of the general Praxis® test.

Does Ohio teaching license transfer to Tennessee?

No. Except that candidates with at least three years of education work experience may be eligible to receive a Professional License once the educator has gained one year (10 months) of teaching experience in a Tennessee public or non-public school.

How many PDPs do I need to recertify in Tennessee?

How long is a Tennessee teaching license good for?

Once you receive your Professional License, it is valid for ten years. During that time, if you have a bachelor’s degree, you must earn 90 renewal points. If you have a master’s degree and five years of positive experience, no renewal points are required.