What does Phlebostenosis mean in medical terms?
What does Phlebostenosis mean in medical terms?
Narrowing of the lumen of a vein
[ flĕb′ō-stə-nō′sĭs ] n. Narrowing of the lumen of a vein.
What does Arterioplasty mean?
[ är-tîr′ē-ə-plăs′tē ] n. Surgical reconstruction of the wall of an artery.
What does Hemat O mean in medical terms?
Hemato- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “blood.” It is used in many medical terms, especially in pathology. Hemato- comes from the Greek haîma, meaning “blood.”
What does Periencephalitis mean?
Inflammation of the cerebral membranes
[ pĕr′ē-ĕn-sĕf′ə-lī′tĭs ] n. Inflammation of the cerebral membranes, especially of the pia mater.
Does Phleb mean blood?
Phlebo- (prefix): Means vein. From the Greek “phleps”, vein, which came from the root “phlein”, to gush or overflow. Appears in phlebitis (inflammation of the veins), phlebotomist (a person who draws blood from veins), and phlebotomy (a venipuncture).
What is the incision of a vein called?
Arteriotomy (or arterotomy) is a medical term for an opening or cut of an artery wall. It is a common step in many vascular surgical procedures and operations. The corresponding term for an incision into a vein is a venotomy. Arteriotomy.
Can stents block up again?
Restenosis means that a section of blocked artery that was opened up with angioplasty or a stent has become narrowed again. There are many treatment options for patients who have restenosis after receiving a stent.
What percentage of blockage requires a stent?
“For a cardiac stent procedure to qualify as a medical necessity, it is generally accepted that a patient must have at least 70% blockage of an artery and symptoms of blockage,” Justice Department attorneys wrote.
What does PUR mean in medical terms?
PUR. Pelvic-Urethra Reflex (biology)
What does HEPA prefix mean in medical terms?
As we’ve seen, the prefix hepat- means “liver.” The suffix -itis is used to indicate inflammation. Hepatitis, then, literally translates to “inflammation of the liver.”
What is Rhinostenosis?
Obstruction of the nasal passages
[ rī′nō-stə-nō′sĭs ] n. Obstruction of the nasal passages. rhinocleisis.
What is the meaning of the medical term dermatology?
Definition of dermatology : a branch of medicine dealing with the skin, its structure, functions, and diseases.