What consumables are needed for Black Temple?
What consumables are needed for Black Temple?
Black Temple Attunement.
Can you use Battle and Guardian elixir?
Battle elixirs generally increase your ability to affect others (+strength, +spell power, +healing), and Guardian elixirs generally affect your ability to affect yourself (+armor, +mana regen, +int). Guardian elixirs do not stack with other guardian elixirs and battle elixirs do not stack with other battle elixirs.
Do elixirs last through death TBC?
Flasks count as both a Battle and Guardian Elixir, and as such only one can be used at a time. While flasks tend to be an expensive consumable, they persist through death and last for 2 hours.
Can you use elixir and flask?
Yest they will. As someone already said, all elixirs stack, as long as they do not increase the same stat. Flasks stack with everything. You can use stacks like Greater Shadow Elixir + Greater Arcane Elixir, one is increasing shadow one base spell power + spell flask ontop of it.
Do flasks work in TBC?
In TBC you can’t have both a flask and an o/D elixir combo gotta choose. The elixirs are stronger but the flasks persist through death and are cheaper because of that. Usually. Vanilla flasks generally aren’t used in TBC unless you have a store of them and don’t have any of the TBC flasks/elixirs.
What Flask do healers use TBC?
Best Flask for Priest Healing: Flask of Distilled Wisdom.
Do Battle Elixirs last through death?
They will not pertain through death, only flasks will.
Do flasks and Battle Elixirs stack?
Elixirs will stack with ability-generated buffs (Trueshot Aura for example) but will not stack with other Battle Elixirs. Players can only have one Guardian Elixir and one Battle Elixir active on them at one time, or one Flask, which counts as both Elixir slots.
Do Battle Elixirs stack?
Does elixir of Sages stack?
It does NOT stack with greater intellect. You can have both buffs at once, but you will only gain +25 int and +18 spi.
Where can I buy TBC potions?
Vendor Locations This item can be purchased in Elwynn Forest , Mulgore , Netherstorm , Terokkar Forest , and Zul’Aman .
Do world buffs work in TBC?
In Burning Crusade Classic, world buffs will be removed at the start of raid encounters. This follows the news that Classic Era servers will have an option to snapshot world buffs for later use, moving away from players raid-logging to preserve every minute of their buffs.