What is a LB fitting?
What is a LB fitting?
DIY Frequently Asked Questions / What is an LB fitting? LB stands for line box. It is often used at the point where you will begin pulling wire through the conduit. However, it is not a junction box and should not contain wire connections.
What does LB stand for in conduit body?
If the removable cover is on top or on the back of the conduit body, it is an LB, with the “B” standing for “back.” If the cover is on the left side of the conduit body, then it is an “LL,” the “L” standing for “left.” If the cover is on the right side of the conduit body, then it is an “LR,” with the “R” standing for …
What is LB type?
LB Type Conduit Bodies are made from aluminum and have a hub on one end and another on the back side, to provide easy access for splicing and can correct and change direction of conduit runs. All conduit bodies are UL listed.
What is the difference between a LL a LR and a LB?
Two hub configurations are often referred to as straight, LB, or LL or LR, to designate the direction the raceway will be diverted [straight—straight through end-to-end; LB—90 degrees through the back of the body opposite the cover; LL or LR—90 degrees through the left or right side of the body].
Can you splice in a LB?
Is it legal to splice conductors in an “LB” fitting? A. Splices are only permitted in conduit bodies that are marked by the manufacturer with their volume; and the maximum number of conductors permitted in a conduit body is limited in accordance with 314.16(B) [314.16(C)(2)].
Can you make a junction in an LB?
An Lb is a conduit body and yes you can splice in them.
What does LR mean in electrical?
Ls means live supply so this is where you put 230v or 24v into the switching circuit on the device. Lr is the switch live return back to operate your system. These connections are electrically isolated from the main board to prevent back feed.
What are the basic types of EMT fittings?
Steel EMT Set Screw Connectors.
Can you splice wire in a LB?
Can I use a conduit body as a junction box?
[314.16(C)(2)] Since a conduit body can function as a junction box, the volume allowance required for the conductors must not exceed the volume of the conduit body.