How do I view PTR records in Windows?

To verify the PTR record works open up PowerShell (command prompt will work also). type nslookup followed by the IP you want to lookup. You can see in the picture above the IP returned the hostname PC1. That is all there is to it.

How do I check my PTR value?

Two Methods to Check PTR Record and Reverse DNS Lookup Change the IP_ADDRESS with your domain’s IP address. As you can see, the PTR record is Remember to change the IP_ADDRESS with your real IP address.

What is PTR lookup?

A pointer (PTR) record resolves an IP address (made up of numbers and decimals) into a domain name (such as The act of translating an IP address into a domain name is known as a reverse lookup in the Domain Name System (DNS).

How can I check nslookup PTR record?

How to lookup PTR records on Windows

  1. Open a command prompt by navigating to Start → ‘Type here to search’ → ‘cmd’ → Open.
  2. Type nslookup -q=PTR and hit [enter] to get the PTR records for .
  3. The PTR records are listed below the Non-authoritative answer heading.

How do you find reverse lookup zone?

Choose Start | Administrative Tools | DNS. In the console tree, click Reverse Lookup Zones. Right-click Reverse Lookup Zones, and then click New Zone.

How do I change my PTR record?

In the Details drop-down list, click on IP Addresses. Click on the pencil under REVERSE DNS to add the PTR record. The box where you can enter the PTR record is displayed. You can add the PTR record and click on the Confirm button to save the changes.

How do I setup a PTR record?

To create a PTR Record, complete the following:

  1. From the Cloud Services Portal, click Manage -> DNS -> Zones.
  2. Click the DNS view.
  3. Click the zone.
  4. Click Create -> Record and select PTR Record from the drop-down list.
  5. On the Create PTR Record page, select or specify the following:
  6. Click Save & Close to save.

How do I find DNS queries in Windows?


  1. Open up the command prompt (In Windows, you can use WINDOWS KEY+R to open Run dialogue box and type cmd)
  2. To see your current DNS settings, type ipconfig /displaydns and press Enter.
  3. To delete the entries, type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter.

How do I find my Cnames as a host?

To check the CNAME records of a domain, perform the following steps.

  1. Open the CNAME Lookup Tool.
  2. Enter the domain name and select the DNS server.
  3. Click on the “Show CNAME Records” button.
  4. The tool will perform the CNAME lookup, list a given domain’s CNAME record(s), and check its propagation globally.

How do I run Registerdns?


  1. Navigate to the desktop.
  2. Right-click the Start button (the Windows logo in the lower-left).
  3. Choose Command Prompt (Admin).
  4. When asked whether to allow Command Prompt to make changes to your computer, select Yes.
  5. Type “ipconfig /flushdns” and press Enter.
  6. Type “ipconfig /registerdns” and press Enter.