Is ResearchGate an international journal?

Although ResearchGate is used internationally, its uptake—as of 2014—is uneven, with Brazil having particularly many users and China having few when compared to the number of publishing researchers.

Is ResearchGate a reputed journal?

ResearchGate is no longer reliable: leniency towards ghost journals may decrease its impact on the scientific community.

Is International journal of Current research Pubmed indexed?

ISSN: 0975-5241. IJCRR is a fortnightly indexed international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research and review articles in fields of Healthcare and Life Sciences.

Is IJSR Pubmed indexed?

Benefits of IJSR Publication: Indexed Journal with Cross Ref, Google Scholar, Index Medicus, Pubmed, Citation Index etc. Publication Acceptable in India and Over 100 Countries.

How do I know if a journal is international?

We can safely say a journal is ‘International’ if If journal has Editorial board that is truly international in its composition. Majority of editors should be from countries other than India. It should be noted that sometimes Chief Editor changes over time and ‘maybe’ from different countries including India.

Is ResearchGate illegal?

As an author of a publication, you transfer copyright to the publisher. If the journal is subscription-based, you are given limited rights to share your article. Therefore, sharing your article on a platform such as ResearchGate is not permitted.

What is the difference between ResearchGate and academia?

I think ResearchGate lays a heavier focus on collaboration, discovery and interaction, whereas is trying to encourage researchers to share their articles directly with the community, i. e. they cover the publication aspect more directly.

Is ResearchGate indexed by Google Scholar?

-It takes Google (often) just a few days to pick up your uploaded documents you’ve put in Researchgate. In other words a lot of data in Researchgate are frequently scanned by the Google Search machine/software. -It takes Google Scholar an unpredicted amount of time.

Is International journal of Current research UGC approved?

We are very happy to intimate that IJRSR is approved by UGC. Recently UGC has released the Final list of approved Journal after recommendation of UGC Standing Committee. Committee has included our Journal on the basis of performance criteria fixed by the UGC. We wish to Congratulate all of you on behalf of IJRSR.

Is International journal of science and research Scopus indexed?

About the Journal This is an Open Access, Fully Refereed, and Peer Reviewed Journal. Notably, it is a Referred, Highly Indexed, International Online Journal with High Impact Factor.