What is the difference between porridge and Portage?

The two terms are used to describe meals. Porridge, in its classical meaning, mainly refers to the original English oatmeal or other porridges made of grains. Pottage is widely used in Nigeria and many other African countries, mainly as a synonym to porridge. Both porridge and pottage in Nigeria mean the main dish.

Is it called Yam porridge or yam pottage?

It can be called yam pottage, just like Plantain Porridge / Plantain Pottage, but they are more commonly called porridge. Whatever you call it, just make it scrumptious and enjoy your dish. Yam Porridge can be served at breakfast, lunch or dinner.

What is the difference between gruel and porridge?

Gruel is a food consisting of some type of cereal—such as ground oats, wheat, rye or rice—heated or boiled in water or milk. It is a thinner version of porridge that may be more often drunk rather than eaten and may not need to be cooked.

What’s pottage mean?

a thick soup of
Definition of pottage : a thick soup of vegetables and often meat.

Why is Scott’s Porage oats Spelt wrong?

If you’re wondering about the company’s unique spelling of porridge, then that’s a marketing trick: to distinguish themselves from their rivals, they combined the spellings of “porridge” and “potage” – a French word for a thick soup – and ran with it from 1914 onwards.

How do you make Nigerian yam porridge?


  1. Cut Yam into cubes and wash.
  2. Add to pot, add water and boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Add crayfish, salt, seasoning, palm oil, peppers, curry, thyme, and cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Add vegetables and cook for 1 minute.

How do you make Portage yams?

What is the meaning of yam porridge?

Yam porridge or Asaro is another delicious Nigerian yam dish cooked in a well-seasoned pepper mix until soft and fluffy with some yam chunks. It is very quick and easy to make. It makes a perfect dinner or lunch and it is also a party favourite.

What was in Victorian gruel?

It includes a recipe for gruel – a watery porridge consisting of oatmeal, treacle, water and salt.

Why is porridge called porridge?

The origin of the word “porridge” can be traced back on the one hand to the expression ‘pottage’, a variation of the French word ‘potage’ – a name for soup – and on the other hand to the word ‘pot’, the saucepan.

What was medieval porridge?

It is a porridge, a thick boiled grain dish—hence its name, which derives from the Latin word frumentum, “grain”. It was usually made with cracked wheat boiled with either milk or broth and was a peasant staple. More luxurious recipes include eggs, almonds, currants, sugar, saffron and orange flower water.

What is the difference between pottage and soup?

From what I have always understood, “potage” is a thicker, more cream-based soup, while “soupe” is closer to a broth-based “soupe.” Potage could be closer to the American “chowder,” very thick and filled with chunky vegetables. Soupe is thinner in consistency.
