What year is the presidential decree 1445 promulgated?

A landmark legislation on auditing, Presidential Decree 1445 or the Government Auditing Code, was promulgated in 1978.

What is Presidential Decree No 1445?

1. No money shall be paid out of any public treasury of depository except in pursuance of an appropriation law or other specific statutory authority. 2. Government funds or property shall be spent or used solely for public purposes.

What is government accounting as defined under Section 109 of the Presidential Decree PD No 1445?

Government Accounting – encompasses the processes of analyzing, recording, classifying, summarizing and communicating all transactions involving the receipt. and disposition of government funds and property, and interpreting the results. thereof. (

What are considered public funds Philippines?

“Government funds” includes public moneys of every sort and other resources pertaining to any agency of the government. 3. “Revenue Funds” comprises all funds derived from the income of any agency of the government and available for appropriation or expenditure in accordance with law.

What is PD No 1445 1978?

(1) No money shall be paid out of any public treasury of depository except in pursuance of an appropriation law or other specific statutory authority. (2) Government funds or property shall be spent or used solely for public purposes.

Who audits COA Philippines?

GAO is responsible to conduct audits of all financial reports, also audit of all expenditures and assets of the government. The GAO was reestablished after the Second World War and changed its name to Commission on Audit (COA) under the 1973 constitution.

Who is responsible for government funds and property?

FOR GOVERNMENT FUNDS AND PROPERTY (1) The head of any agency of the government is immediately and primarily responsible for all government funds and property pertaining to his agency.

Who are accountable and liable over government funds and property?

Every officer of any government agency whose duties permit or require the possession or custody of government funds or property shall be accountable therefor and for the safekeeping thereof in conformity with the law.

What is PD No 109?

Section 1. Effective January 1, 1974, the Land Transportation Commission shall cause reflective number plates to be prepared and issued to owners of motor vehicles and trailers registered under R.A.

What are the uses of public funds?

While taxes are a primary resource, funding can also come from fines and fees. Public funding helps provide health programs, community services, restoration programs, public service programs, and even environmental programs. These programs benefit the members of the community in which the funds are used.

What is Presidential Decree No 1509 of 1978?

the National Commission Concerning Disabled Persons
Presidential Decree No. 1509 (June 11, 1978) created the National Commission Concerning Disabled Persons (NCCDP). Executive Order No. 232(July 22, 1987) provided for the structural and functional reorganization of the NCCDP to the National Council for the Welfare of Disabled Persons (NCWDP).

What is Ngics?

The National Guidelines on Internal Control Systems (NGICS) is an initiative taken by the national government to affirm its commitment to the citizenry towards accountability, effective operations, prudence in finances, and quality service.