What is single point setup?
What is single point setup?
Single Point Setup creates a dynamic, configuration-aware cluster or group of the WAP devices in the same subnet of a network. A cluster supports only a group of the configured Cisco WAP150 devices or a group of the configured Cisco WAP361 devices.
What is the default IP address of Cisco wap321?
If the wireless access points do not receive a DHCP response (there is no DHCP server on your network) after 60 seconds, the access points will fallback to the following default static IP address: 192.168. 1.245 and a default mask of 255.255. 255.0.
How do I log into my Cisco wireless router?
How to log-in to Cisco router?
- Connect your device, either computer or mobile, to your internet.
- Open a web browser and enter the IP address of your router. The IP address used for most CISCO routers is 192.168.
- From the log-in page, enter your username and password.
- Hit the Ok button to access your web interface!
What is the default IP address for a Cisco access point?
Obtaining and Assigning an IP Address Use default address 10.0. 0.1 when you connect to the access point locally.
How do I find the IP address of my Cisco AP?
To find the Access Point’s IP address
- Open utility window, make sure Get IP addr is selected in the Function box.
- Type the Access Point’s MAC address in the Device MAC ID field.
- Click Get IP Address.
- Write down the Access Point’s IP address that appears in the IP Address field.
How do I access my Cisco modem settings?
- Make sure you’re connected to your network. This can be a wired or Wi-Fi connection.
- Open a browser, and go to 192.168. 15.1.
- Enter the username and password. You will receive a pop-up asking for the Cisco router login information.
- Default login credentials.
- Next Up: Speed up your Wi-Fi connection.