What is 7pm EST Friday in Philippines?

Getting Started

Eastern Standard Time (EST) to Manila, Philippines ( in Manila)
6 pm EST is 6 am in Manila
7 pm EST is 7 am in Manila
8 pm EST is 8 am in Manila
9 pm EST is 9 am in Manila

Is the Philippines EST?

Philippine Time is 13 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time.

Is Philippines under Eastern time?

Eastern Standard Time (EST) is a UTC -05:00 timezone offset where as Philippines Time (PHT) is a UTC +8:0 timezone offset. Time difference between Eastern Standard Time (EST) and Philippines Time (PHT) is 13:0 hours ie., Philippines Time (PHT) time is always 13:0 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Is Philippines A Pacific time?

Pacific Standard Time is 16 hours behind Philippine Time.

Is Philippines on GMT or EST?

Philippines Time Zone – Philippines Current Time – Daylight Saving Time

Philippines Local Time Details
Time Zone Abbreviations Philippines Time – is abbreviated as PHT
UTC – GMT Offset Philippines is GMT/UTC + 8h during Standard Time
Daylight Saving Time Usage Philippines does not utilize daylight saving time.

Is Singapore time same as Philippines?

Since Philippines and Singapore currently have equivalent time zones, you can call someone during your normal hours and it will be the same time in Singapore as it is in Philippines.

What countries use EST time?

Countries width EST time

Country Region Standardtime
Haiti countrywide EST
Jamaica countrywide EST
Mexico Cancun EST
Panama countrywide EST