How do I contact Medicaid in Michigan?

Answer general questions you may have about Medicaid benefits. Enroll you in the Medicaid Health Plan you choose. For more information, call Michigan ENROLLS at 1-888-367-6557.

Is Healthy Michigan Plan part of Medicaid?

The Healthy Michigan Plan is a Medicaid health care program through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS).

What is Michigan’s Medicaid program called?

Medicaid (also called Medical Assistance, or MA) is health insurance for people with low income. In Michigan, there is traditional Medicaid (TM) and the Healthy Michigan Plan (HMP). HMP started in 2014 as part of the Affordable Care Act. Once you are enrolled, TM and HMP work just like other health insurance.

Does Michigan Medicaid require prior authorization?

Medicaid requires prior authorization (PA) to cover certain services before those services are rendered to the beneficiary. The purpose of PA is to review the medical need for certain services. It does not serve as an authorization of fees or beneficiary eligibility.

What kind of insurance is healthy Michigan plan?

The Healthy Michigan Plan covers the federal healthcare law essential health benefits, as well as other services and benefits. This means that you can get the health care you need at a low cost. With these benefits available, it’s never been easier to protect your health.

What is the monthly income limit for Medicaid in Michigan?

See if you qualify for the Healthy Michigan Plan. Individuals are eligible for the Healthy Michigan Plan if they: Are age 19-64 years. Have income at or below 133% of the federal poverty level* ($16,000 for a single person or $33,000 for a family of four) Do not qualify for or are not enrolled in Medicare.

Does Medicaid call you at home?

Tips. These three tips should help you avoid falling victim to this scam: Remember, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Social Security Administration will not call you to update your information or give you a new card. If someone who calls you asks for your personal information, do not provide it.