What does ischemic mean?

Ischemia is a condition in which the blood flow (and thus oxygen) is restricted or reduced in a part of the body.

What does the word fibrillation mean?

Definition of fibrillation 1 : an act or process of forming fibers or fibrils. 2a : a muscular twitching involving individual muscle fibers acting without coordination. b : very rapid irregular contractions of the muscle fibers of the heart resulting in a lack of synchronism between heartbeat and pulse.

What does ischemic spell?

or is·chae·mi·a noun Pathology. local deficiency of blood supply produced by vasoconstriction or local obstacles to the arterial flow.

What is the root word of ischemia?

The word ischemia comes from the Greek ischein, meaning “to suppress,” and the suffix -emia, which is used in terms involving blood (such as anemia).

What is ischemic pain?

Ischemic limb pain, or critical limb ischemia, is a condition where there is a severe blockage of plaque buildup in the arteries in your legs. It can lead to pain in your legs, feet and toes; poor circulation; and wounds that won’t heal.

What does non ischemic mean?

Medical Definition of nonischemic : not marked by or resulting from ischemia nonischemic tissue.

What is another word for fibrillation?

twitching, vellication, twitch.

What is heart fibrillation?

Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) is an irregular and often very rapid heart rhythm (arrhythmia) that can lead to blood clots in the heart. A-fib increases the risk of stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications.

What is myocardial ischemia?

Myocardial ischemia occurs when blood flow to your heart is reduced, preventing the heart muscle from receiving enough oxygen. The reduced blood flow is usually the result of a partial or complete blockage of your heart’s arteries (coronary arteries).

What is vascular ischemia?

Ischemia means a “reduced blood supply”. Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD) is where a waxy substance called plaque (plak) builds up inside blood vessels, and restricts the normal flow of blood. When plaque builds up in the arteries, the condition is called atherosclerosis (ATH-er-o-skler-O-sis).

What causes ischemia?

What Causes Ischemia? A primary cause of ischemia is atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Plaque, a hard, sticky substance composed mostly of fat builds up within the arteries, causing narrowing and stiffening. This reduces blood flow.

What is ischemic change?

Microvascular ischemic disease is a term that’s used to describe changes to the small blood vessels in the brain. Changes to these vessels can damage white matter — the brain tissue that contains nerve fibers and serves as the connection point to other parts of the brain.