What is ASM in aviation?

Available seat miles (ASM) is a measure of an airplane’s carrying capacity available to generate revenues. Available seat miles refers to how many seat miles are actually available for purchase on an airline.

What is RPM in airline industry?

Revenue Passenger Miles for U.S. Air Carrier Domestic and International, Scheduled Passenger Flights (RPM)

What is revenue passenger kilometer?

one revenue passenger-kilometre means that one passenger is carried on one kilometre. RPK for an airline: Sum of the products obtained by multiplying the number of revenue passengers carried on each flight stage by the corresponding stage distance.

What is revenue per available seat mile?

Revenue per available seat mile (RASM) is a unit of measurement commonly used to compare the efficiency of various airlines. It is obtained by dividing operating income by available seat miles (ASM). Generally, the higher the RASM, the more profitable the airline under question.

What does ASM stand for?


Acronym Definition
ASM Annual Stockholders Meeting
ASM Asset Management System
ASM Applications Sales Manager (various companies)
ASM Algorithmic State Machine

How is cask calculated?

To get the CASK, direct operational cost is divided by the available seat per kilometre. CASK is essential to determine the airlines cost performance. This is critical to know the airlines capacity to compete and survive the industry.

How is airline rpm calculated?

Revenue passenger miles are calculated by multiplying the number of paying passengers by the distance traveled. For example, an airplane with 100 passengers that flies 250 miles has generated 25,000 RPM.

What is a PSS in airline?

PSS is a software suite that supports all transactions between carriers and their customers, from ticket reservations to boarding. Its mission is to keep operations running smoothly, and failures in its work can cost airlines tens of millions of dollars in lost revenue.

What is the difference between RPK and RPM?

RPK is also known as Revenue Passenger Mile (RPM), which is the most common measure of airline traffic. For example, a flight carrying 140 paid passengers over a distance of 1000 km generates 140 x 1000 = 140,000 RPK of airline traffic. What’s Yield in traffic?

What is RTK in aviation?

The revenue-ton kilometer is a key performance indicator in the aviation industry that is calculated by multiplying the revenue load with the distance flown.

What is Prask in aviation?

Passenger Revenue per Available Seat Kilometer (PRASK): Passenger revenue divided by available seat kilometers (also equal to load factor multiplied by yield).

What is ASM position?

Basic Job Description: The Assistant Stage Manager does assist the Production Stage Manager with all of their responsibilities. This can include attending production meetings, running rehearsals, clerical organization, and insuring the smooth execution of the performances.