What is Alpha Omicron Pi ritual?

Alpha Omicron Pi’s Initiation is a beautiful Ritual which reveals to the new members the true meanings and core values of our Fraternity. The expectations our Founders had for themselves, our members and chapters are found in our Ritual.

What are the four pillars of AOII?

Created by alumnae, for alumnae, these topical challenges focus on four pillars of Alpha Omicron Pi – live, learn, lead and serve.

What does AOII Infinity rose mean?

The infinity rose petals symbolize our four founders, Stella, Helen, Jessie and Bess, who chose to live, learn, lead and serve with ambition, emphasizing the significance of character, dignity, scholarship and college loyalty.

What colors are AOII?

Primary. As the Founders determined Cardinal Red (PMS 200C) as the color for Alpha Omicron Pi, it will always remain a part of the primary palette. Ambitious Pink (PMS 191C) represents the ambitious women of the organization and all we have accomplished.

What is the AOII pledge?

“The object of this Fraternity shall be to encourage a spirit of Fraternity and love among its members; to stand at all times for character, dignity, scholarship, and college loyalty; to strive for and support the best interests of the colleges and universities in which chapters are installed, and in no way to …

Is Alpha Omega Pi a sorority?

AOII & The National Panhellenic Conference AOII is a proud member of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), an umbrella organization for 26 inter/national womens fraternities and sororities. Founded in 1902, AOII joined in 1905 as the 12th member organization to support collaboration and interfraternal friendships.

What is the purpose of AOII Council?

In AOII, we too have a democratic process within our system of governance and policy creation. The members of AOII International Council (commonly known as Council), make up our legislative body, and help shape the Governing Documents of AOII.

What kind of sorority is Alpha Omicron Pi?

Alpha Omicron Pi
Founded January 2, 1897 Barnard College (Manhattan)
Type Social
Affiliation NPC

What sorority has a panda mascot?

Alpha Omicron Pi
The mascot of Alpha Omicron Pi is the panda. National Panhellenic Conference Inc.

What is the difference between Omicron and Omega?

Literally, omicron means “small” or short “o” and omega means “big” or long “o.” Despite this, Sider was emphatic: It’s pronounced “OH-micron,” he said, like row, or toe, with the emphasis on the first syllable.

What is a way to get involved as an AOII alumnae?

What are ways to get involved as an AOII Alumnae? Attend a Mentor Power Hour Session. Join an Alumnae Chapter/Life Loyal and Pay Alumnae Dues. Become an Advisor for a collegiate chapter. Serve as a Training, Recruitment, or Ritual Education Ambassador.