Is post primary TB the same as secondary TB?

Post primary, also known as adult type or secondary, tuberculosis, in contrast, occurs in people who have developed immunity to primary tuberculosis 10–12. It differs from primary tuberculosis in the genes that modulate susceptibility, clinical presentation, complications and age distribution of hosts 13.

What is post primary TB?

Post-primary pulmonary tuberculosis is a chronic disease commonly caused by either endogenous reactivation of a latent infection or exogenous re-infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Is active TB primary or secondary?

Traditionally, active tuberculosis (TB) disease has been classified as either primary or secondary. Many researchers consider primary and secondary TB to reflect the time between the initial infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the onset of clinical disease.

What does a positive PPD or Mantoux test would signify?

If you have a positive PPD, it means you have been exposed to a person who has tuberculosis and you are now infected with the bacteria (mycobacterium tuberculosis) that causes the disease.

What are the types of secondary tuberculosis?

Figure 4 : Secondary Progressive Tuberculosis : Advanced cavitary fibrocaseous tuberculosis. Figure 5 : Secondary Progressive Tuberculosis : Tuberculous Bronchopneumonia. Figure 6 : Secondary Progressive Tuberculosis : Milliary Tuberculosis. Figure 7 : Secondary Progressive Tuberculosis : Caseous Pneumonia.

What is secondary PTB?

Secondary pulmonary TB (reactivation) is characterized by a focus of infection and granuloma formation usually in the apex of the lung. The small granulomas (tubercles) eventually coalesce to form larger areas of consolidation with central caseating necrosis. Regional lymph nodes contain caseating granulomas.

What is secondary tuberculosis?

Secondary tuberculosis usually occurs because of reactivation of latent tuberculosis infection. The lesions of secondary tuberculosis are in the lung apices. A smaller proportion of people who develop secondary tuberculosis do so after getting infected a second time (re-infection).