How close to the boundary can I build a garage Christchurch?

In Living 1 and 2 zones a 4.5m setback is required if the garage is side on to the street. A 5.5m setback will be required where the garage door is facing the street. Special Amenity Areas (SAMs) are likely to require a greater setback distance. If you want to build within the setback you will need a Resource Consent.

Do you need consent to build a garage?

Building a new garage will always require a building consent. Repair involves fixing any component or assembly (in the same position) of an existing garage that wore out through wear and tear. Replacing involves rebuilding an existing garage in the same position as before.

What is minimum depth of a garage?

20 feet
Standard Depth Range: 20 to 24 feet. Minimum Garage Depth: 20 feet. Depth of Storage Cabinets: 1 foot to 1.5 feet.

How high should my garage be?

Most commonly, garage walls are 8 feet high. This height will accommodate the components for a standard 7-foot high overhead garage door (the door through which your vehicle enters/exits). A wide range of vehicles will fit through a 7-foot high overhead door.

How far from the boundary can I build a garage?

Garage doors should be setback a minimum of 5.5m from a site’s front boundary, this ensures that any car parked in front of the garage does not hang over the public footpath.

How close to property line can I build garage?

If your detached garage will face the front of the house, rules state it can be anywhere from 5 – 15 feet from the front property line and 5 feet from the side. If the garage is in the backyard, off an alley, there should be approximately 5 feet on each side.

Can I build a garage without consent NZ?

The new exemptions mean you can build a carport up to 40 square metres in size without a building consent if: the design has been carried out or reviewed by a Chartered Professional Engineer, or. a Licensed Building Practitioner has carried out or supervised design and construction.

What size garage can I build without planning permission?

Do I need planning permission to extend my garage? If you want to extend your garage, you won’t require planning permission as long as the garage will not be more than 4 metres high (13ft), which is considered a ‘reasonable height’.

How wide does a garage need to be?

The average width of a car is around 6 to 6.5 feet. Add a few feet on either side to get in and out of a vehicle and you will soon be close to the 20-foot width of the minimum garage size. If your property has space and your township gives permission, we recommend going at least 24′ wide.

What is the minimum height for a garage ceiling?

For example, if you would like a door that is eight feet high so you can fit a special purpose vehicle into the garage or because the added height compliments the appearance of the project, you must also be sure the garage ceiling can be at a minimum of nine feet from the floor, without any obstructions, for a basic …

Can a garage be built on the boundary NZ?

If your garage is close to a boundary, and you have the written approval from your neighbours, you can apply for a Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity. This application replaces the need to apply for a resource consent. You will still need to apply for a building consent, if required.